Thursday 17 September 2015

Day 515

1.  My friend has been back into the shop with my bag - whilst they love it they aren't sure how they could sell it as there is no margin for their mark up in the price I'm currently selling at and they would have to sell at the same price as I'm selling at on Etsy.  My friend's response - not if you buy all of them!!- I'm still waiting for the phone to ring!

2.  It would appear that the lady from the Business Bakery has been in touch with run-walk guru Jeff Galloway..... today's top 100 Day Goal Challenge tip

3.  It would appear that the universe is also aligning to reinforce this point - my Glasgow Half Marathon number arrived today and when I applied last October I was clearly more conservative with my finish time that I would have been if I'd applied recently! Consequently I am in the third and final wave of runners and don't set off until 11.50!

4.  This has led to a discussion over how we will fill the time before then, lying in, pacing round the room for six hours, or going for breakfast! All joking aside it has thrown me a little, as my porridge pot of gruel that I usually eat before a long run or on half marathon morning is OK when it's 6am and there aren't any other options, but the thought of a proper breakfast will be hard to turn down. I have however no idea what it will be like to run 13.1 miles on a full (abeit veggie) English! Oh the options to ponder between now and then!

5.  Lovely evening at Westival Saviour's! And twenty guesses on name the bear very kindly collected by her on my behalf - THANK YOU! 32 down - 68 to go! Parkrunners your time is nigh!

London - 219
Glasgow - 17
Distance covered              4.7 miles 
Total Distance covered     866.7 miles

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