Thursday 10 September 2015

Day 508

1.  Woke up having had a horrid dream the premise of which was I was useless - subconscious getting it spot on again!

2.  Bit of early morning soul searching and I have decided that I'm not useless, I'm just not of the right predisposition to have a sales target as my goal when in my head I can't disassociate my mood from whether or not I've made a sale, or how many views my Etsy shop has had. So a concerted effort to try to distance myself from it all today get some other jobs done and not look at my Etsy stats at all  - HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

3.  In my defence I did receive a phone call early this morning from a friend who had popped into a shop this morning and seen bags similar (but obviously not as nice - her words!) as mine on sale for £60.  Bless her she then proceeded to tell the shop owner all about me and told her to have a look at my Etsy page.  The viewing figures would suggest that perhaps she didn't - but there's still time!

4.  Lots of talk in the 100 Day Goal group chat today (allegedly!) about us being a tenth of the way through! I am trying really hard to concentrate on the fact that this does not mean I should necessarily be a tenth of the way to reaching my sales target (although to be fair I'm not far off). Instead I need to focus on the fact that I have done things over the past ten days which given time may just pay off. Overall I have been more focused and that's a good thing.  Weaning myself off checking my phone constantly and stopping myself from being miserable when I don't like what I see will take time but I'm working on it! And as this whole thing is an experiment to see what life might hold for me post marathon I'm learning a lot about that too!

5.  Al has found a new running buddy.... he and H went out at 6am this morning! I did at least think about joining them but Dougal certainly didn't!

London - 227
Glasgow - 24
Distance covered                 3.6 miles
Total Distance covered     854.3 miles

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