Monday 21 September 2015

Day 519

1.  Legs feel remarkably well considering yesterday's mammoth outing. Couple of twinges here and there but on the whole - not bad!

2.  Didn't have to walk Dougal today (which may have had something to do with it!) but I did do a fair bit of walking around York University Campus with C - it was a little grim in the rain but his company made up for it!

3. Consequently my only micro action on my 100 Day Goal plan today was to keep my fingers crossed than my friend had good fortune at a coffee morning she was taking my bags to!

4.  I haven't heard and I haven't asked! For whilst I don't ask both possibilities (that there are six bags or less than six bags) still exist in a Schrödinger's Cat kind of a way (see I do listen occasionally Mr L - just hope now that I've understood sufficiently to reference it here!).

5.  But what I know to be absolutely true without any question of a doubt is that thanks to a bag purchase by Westival Saviour and an unexpected donation by the friend who tried sell my bags to the shop..... I am £10 off reaching my fundraising target - and I'm almost allowing myself to feel the relief!

London - 215
Glasgow - 13
Total Distance covered     880.9 miles

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