Wednesday 16 September 2015

Day 514

1.  Didn't sleep particularly well churning over my idea.  All wound up and stressed I tore shreds of H before school - a real bad mum moment :(

2.  I can't go on like this.  I need to relax and recognise that everything with regard to my 100 Day Goal and now this new idea does not have to be perfect.  I can learn. I can make mistakes. It can be a work in progress.

3.  So I decided to keep things as simple as I could, and after working out how to set up a closed group on Facebook for people I am not friends with (I had to befriend the maiden name version of me, invite her to join, then set up the group, log into Al's FB get him to join to see if the link worked, and then delete both of them!) I am up and running! The idea is that those of us with goods retailing at £15 will join a sort of chain letter whereby we all send something to one person and get one thing in return! Spreading news of our products and finding out about what each of us does. So far we've had twenty takers and I already have my eye on some Chilli Jam or a Reiki reading to try and attract some positive thoughts!

4.  For about an hour after going public my email activity resembled that of sisterofMG750's with fifty arriving one after the other! OK so they were mainly notifications from FB but still for a short while I felt important (if a little flustered!).

5.  My friend has sold four bags for me today. 8 Down 31 To Go and only 99 sleeps till Christmas - just saying!! ooooh a handily placed link to some great gifts.....

London - 220
Glasgow - 18
Total Distance covered     862 miles

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