Sunday 31 May 2015

Roller Coaster

Just in case you missed Tuesday's announcement...


It's real.  It's happening.  It's soooooo exciting and yet and the same time it's more than a little overwhelming!  (Especially when after running only twelve miles yesterday my legs are a mess!).

In truth I can't quite believe it.  I am actually going to be part of something that I've wanted to do for such a long time.  I have a distant memory that's stuck with me of seeing my friend's dad's marathon medal proudly draped over a photo from the finish line, I think it was the Glasgow marathon so it must have been early 80's (for the benefit of Al, my sis and schoolfriendofMG750 I'm talking about MM - Sarah's dad, and STV reporter).  By 1987 I was prepared to say out loud that I wanted to run a marathon, but with the demise of my 'home' race, my sights were already set on London... and there they stayed, somewhat dormant but not forgotten, until last year when I plucked up the courage to verbalise it again - knowing that if I did so this time I would actually have to do something about it -and here I am! A paid up member of Team Barnardo's!

Unfortunately the daemons which live in my head have gone into overdrive and instead of being able to enjoy and savour the moment, I have been flooded with random thoughts and anxieties over logistics! I can't stay asleep, I can't settle long enough to get anything done whilst I'm awake, I seem to have completely forgotten that I'm supposed to be going to the gym, I have a to-do list which I keep remembering to add bits to but have yet to score anything off! I am an absolute nightmare to live with and there's the best part of eleven months to go - "Oh good oh" I can hear the long suffering Mr L say when he reads that bit! (But for the Scots amongst you I think calling me a "sarcastic bisom" was a bit harsh! Told you it was going in the blog Al!)

Although perhaps not the half term that he was hoping for, with hindsight I think it was very fortunate that this news came when Al was at home to help navigate me through it. I'm not sure I'd have coped without him- the fact that he was able to get lots of guitar practice done whilst staying out of my way was perhaps worth the roller coaster ride that has been the past week, but then again...

So I find myself sitting on another Sunday saying that I'm going to be better organised this week coming, that I'm going to get my head into gear, get focused and get moving, meanwhile (whilst writing this at quarter past one in the afternoon) my eyelids are loosing their fight against gravity and my body is screaming at me to sit still for a bit, to actually stop long enough to unwind.  Things may therefore not pan out quite as I would like them to over the next seven days - but who cares... I'll still be a London Marathon Runner at the end of it!  And when I think of that and nothing else I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside, a smile creeps onto my lips and I dare to dream of what a fabulous experience it's going to be... thank you to each and every one of you that's got me this far.

M - 328
Liverpool Half - 14
Glasgow Half - 126
Total Distance covered   660.3 miles

Saturday 30 May 2015

Day 405 - Parkrun 79

1.  Insomnia and Dougal both working together to ensure I was up at 5!

2.  Beautiful morning for an early morning run... all nine miles of it to parkrun.  Neither of us really wanted to go, and Dougal was very reluctantly coaxed out of his bed at ten to seven, however mentally felt loads better for having gone (or at least HMG and I did, no idea what the dog was thinking but he still wasn't tired even after a further three miles round the park!) but physically the number of miles we've put in of late is starting to take it's toll.

3.  Second female home at parkrun -there were a lot of regular's missing - and a rather fearsome sprint finish as I desperately tried to maintain my position and not be pipped at the post by the runner I could hear gaining on me from behind. My bubble of pride was burst a little when I turned round to discover a junior boy aged 11 -14 behind me!

4.  Congratulated at the finish line by one of the other runners who started telling me I reminded him of a local female athlete from a few years ago who ran for GB! He then went on to mention her dropped shoulder and strange running gait but I'd stopped listening after the words "top notch".

5.  Don't feel particularly top notch this evening - I ache and feel every step of the twelve miles run with every move! Not the most promising start to our taper to Liverpool! But two weeks to recover and foam roller and cross train and find the force...

Ready to disco?!!!

(and NO! sisterofMG750 and HMG we have not already had enough!)

M - 329
Liverpool Half - 15
Glasgow Half - 127
Distance covered                12 miles 
Total Distance covered   660.3 miles

Friday 29 May 2015

Day 404

1.  I'd joked about being easier company to keep when I was miserable earlier in the week, but the flighty mess that I've become since hearing about the marathon is taking some living with!

2.  BUT I've had my official email and paid my registration fee - NO GOING BACK NOW!!

3.  Rather than sitting aimlessly trying to plan my pre race prep for next April, I thought it might be a slightly more constructive use of my time to organise our pre race prep for Liverpool... table booked for Saturday night HMG - two types of risotto to choose from no less!

4.  If my insomnia could just stay long enough to see me get up at five tomorrow morning that would be great.  Thereafter I would really like to be able to relax, if even just for a little while!

5.  There is however, BIG NEWS if you've been reading this since the start of the New Year, and somewhat small news if you haven't..... the airing cupboard has been emptied, sorted and put back neatly! Items have been removed and either charity shopped or thrown out, and there is only a small amount of the boys old Lego still (albeit on a temporary basis) living in there after I clearly ran out of other cupboards to store it in!

M - 330
Liverpool Half - 16
Glasgow Half - 128
Total Distance covered   648.3 miles

Thursday 28 May 2015

Day 403

1.  Car in for repair this morning, excellent excuse to go and run near where we used to live and where we used to walk Sid.

2.  It was also where I went on my very first (post school) run six years ago. Ten minutes - one minute jog, two minutes walk.  Never would have guessed then where it would take me (nor you sis, it was you signing up for your first 10K that got me off the sofa!).

3.  Bit mean to Al whist running this morning, he was struggling at one point and couldn't work out why it wasn't quite coming together.... didn't let on until we got home that I'd considerably upped the pace from Tuesday by about a minute and a half per mile!

4.  Got my comeuppance later when my knee which had been looking loads better first thing, swelled back up.

5.  Second Vit B12 jab yesterday, still not seeing any benefits from it, and would seriously contemplate spending all of tomorrow in bed ahead of Saturday's early start and twelve mile run, if I thought for one minute that my mind would sleep too!

M - 331
Liverpool Half - 17
Glasgow Half - 129
Distance covered                 5 miles
Total Distance covered   648.3 miles

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Day 402

1.  Sisterofmarathongirl750 came up trumps last night and said she will definitely join me in London, which I think makes me sisterofmarathongirl333!

2.  My head has been in a bit of a spin as I desperately try to come up with some clever fundraising idea which will persuade HMG to take up the charity gauntlet and thus secure her place... Haven't got there yet but I'm working on it.

3.  Am also trying to stop my mind from going into logistics overdrive now that it's real! Haven't done too badly on this front today, but prepare yourself to talk accommodation soon sis!

4.  Look what arrived in the post yesterday! In all the excitement I seem to have forgotten that I'm running a half marathon in less than three weeks! Whether or not we decided to trade in our beer tickets at the finish line remains to be seen, not sure how it would fair on the post race refueling scale, but I've got a pretty good idea how quickly it would go to my head!

5.  It's been an odd day, I have been left feeling somewhat bereft with no reason to check my emails every ten minutes!

M - 332
Liverpool Half - 18
Glasgow Half - 130
Total Distance covered   643.3 miles

Tuesday 26 May 2015


I have secured my place on team Barnardo's! 

But how did I hear? 
Did I 
a) get an email today telling me the good news;
b) get a letter in the post; or
c) ring up and ask

If you think the answer to the above question might be c) 

Was my motivation behind doing so, 

a) having waited four weeks I thought it was probably OK to do so;
b) having already tried last week (but no one answered the phone) I figured I could try again and if no one answered no one need know; or
c) because I couldn't bear to see Al (and the boys) having to spend any more of the half term holiday dealing with my black mood, long face and general miserableness

And with the news that I am now going to be running the 2016 London Marathon for Barnardo's,
am I

a) just a little bit excited at the prospect of meeting Daley Thompson at the training day 
b) already worrying about getting the bags sold and the last of the money raised
c) a heady mix of absolute elation and alarming realisation that it's real and beginning to think that as a result I may be harder to live with than I was before I knew.

I don't think there are any prizes for knowing that the answers to the first question is c) and the second two would both require an option d) all of the above! Can't quite believe it, and won't until I see it in writing, but in the meantime 
(and ssssshhhhhhhh******tttttttt) I've got to run 26 miles!

M minus 333 days!!!
Liverpool Half - 19
Glasgow Half - 131
Distance covered              4.2 miles
Total Distance covered   643.3 miles

Monday 25 May 2015

DAY 400

1.  I didn't find an excuse! I got up early and, Bank Holiday or otherwise, I went to the gym.

2.  In the end I opted for the plaster route - bad move, steps have now been taken to enable the wearing of shorts on tomorrow's run!

3.  May have got round the sore toe problem with some new shoe lacing guides - thank you Mrs J! Good to know you're still reading, really must do something about actually seeing you especially as you live less than 500m away!

4.  One more bag - one less finger :(

5.  Four hundred days, almost six hundred and forty miles and in some ways I don't feel any nearer than on day one! I am trying so hard not to harp on about not having heard from Barnardo's yet without it, it all still seems like a pipe dream.

M - 351
Liverpool Half - 20
Glasgow Half - 132
Total Distance covered   639.1 miles

Sunday 24 May 2015

Three weeks to go....

My knee hurts and I've done something to the toes on my left foot, clearly falling over yesterday was not my wisest move!

At fifteen and sixteen it's a fairly long time since the boys came to me with a skint knee to deal with, and even longer since I had one of my own! I shall spare you the finer description of what it looks like and instead just say that it doesn't appear to have done much healing under a plaster last night, so I am going for a fresh air approach today.  Unfortunately the weather isn't quite as warm as it could be so am having to try and 'rock' a long socks and mini skirt look, which would be bad enough at the best of times but made oh so much worse by the fact that H has a friend staying over who could no doubt live without the sight of his friend's mum being dressed thirty years too young for her age! But it's kind of in keeping with my week of demeaning events!

What is slightly more worrying is the bruising to the toes of my left foot.  They really hurt and complained avidly when I put my sock on, but the whole idea of short skirt and one knee high sock was a step too far even for me.

I don't know if I've hurt them whilst falling over, if they are a bi product of my newly adopted running gait yesterday when I was doing everything I could do pull Dougal back and stop him from dragging me round parkrun by my belly (he's attached to a belt round my waist), or simply a distance related injury from running eleven miles.

What I'm even less sure of is how this is going to affect my progress from here.  I have given myself today off from training, but what am I going to do about the gym tomorrow?  Already I can hear all the reasons not to go building in my head, not least of all being the effort required to do some long overdue depilation, whilst avoiding my wound, so that I can wear shorts and not have to revert back to a plaster, which is quickly followed by an even louder voice saying "Shorts to the gym? Stick a plaster on and live with the longer recovery!"

On the same page of inspirational quotes referenced earlier in the week was this one from Ryan Blair

"If it is important to you, you will find a way.  If not, you'll find an excuse."  

I guess only time will tell which it is....

M - 354
Liverpool Half - 21
Glasgow Half - 133
Total Distance covered   639.1 miles

Saturday 23 May 2015

Day 398 - Parkrun 78

1.  I LOVE my insomnia! Wasn't going to wake up at 5am without it, when I'd set my alarm for 5pm by mistake!

2.  Early start and eight miles to parkrun. Perfect temperature, no rain, nice route, fab views that we couldn't see last time we ran it on a cold dark and rainy November morning, good conversation and an much welcome added bonus of a bottle of water stashed en route earlier by HMG - what's not to love?!

3.  Reunited with my dog at the park (didn't think it was fair to make him run eleven miles - however after the way he pulled me round trying to catch the dog who was getting the opportunity to run at a 'proper' pace with our friend who is faster than me, he's doing the full twelve with me next week!) we were doing OK, when I decided to get rid of my headband and did a strange bending down mid stride maneuver to try and get it on the ground but out of the way of any other runners, Dougal followed and I fell over the top of him straight onto my right knee. Straight back up and carried on repeating 'it' not muscular you'll be fine' for the two miles I had left to run.  I was, and I will be but there isn't a lot of skin left!

4.  For the fact that I couldn't have done this on a quiet stretch and had to suffer the humiliation of falling right in front of an audience of volunteers, and for every time I had to utter the words "Hi, I'm wondering if you might be able to help. I'm having a problem with an iphone thinking that there are headphones plugged in when there aren't.... where did I buy it? Errr that would have been from a seller on Ebay" the song for my 78th parkrun is for me! Both for premise of stupidity and the line "and they were (both) laughing at me" - know what it is yet?!


5.  Thank you C and Etsy Favouriter for organising our Eurovision soiree this evening, and possibly a slightly bigger thank you to Al for joining in!

M - 355
Liverpool Half - 22
Glasgow Half - 134
Distance covered         11.2 miles
Total Distance covered   639.1 miles

Friday 22 May 2015

Day 397

1.  Lovely start to the morning when fellow parkrunner popped round for coffee.  Been too long since we got the chance to catch up and even longer since doing so didn't involve the wearing of lycra.

2.  That said there was a suggestion at one point of going for a dog walk so I was wearing a rather fetching pair of old yoga pants - I really ought to try and see if I can get into my jeans but the alternative is just too comfy even if they do look a bit disastrous.

3.  A returns postage paid label which wasn't rejected at the Post Office was supplied by the Ebay seller for my phone - perhaps I haven't been duped after all.

4.  C hasn't made the cut for the GB team this summer.  There are eighteen boys in the squad and they are only allowed to take twelve out to Spain for the tournament.  I am immensely proud that he's in the top eighteen in the first place and of how hard he worked to try and affect a different outcome. One day I hope he'll be able to draw on this experience to his advantage.

5.  As his mother I can't help but feel like I've lived every moment of it with him (apart from maybe the fitness drills and oh yes the bit where you actually play - not sure I could even get down to the bottom of a 3m pool let alone hold my breath and play hockey whilst I was down there.... but you know what I mean).  Sitting putting it into context with him this evening, mixed with the disappointment there was a definite sense of relief at no longer having to train.  Took a while for the realisation that this is HIS reality and NOT MINE to sink in! See you bright and early HMG!

M - 356
Liverpool Half - 23
Glasgow Half - 135
Total Distance covered   627.9 miles

Thursday 21 May 2015

Day 396

1. Al's response on reading yesterday's blog was "What are you up to tomorrow that's making you so busy?" my reply "Being enthusiastic!" just in case that was lost on anyone else too.

2.  Had a really good four mile run, pushed myself a bit harder than of late and legs felt OK.  Coming down the home straight with "Promised You a Miracle" playing on my ipod.  Decided it was a sign that today would be the day I heard about London. It wasn't, but then Jim Kerr doesn't actually specify a time limit....

3.  My thoughts wondered at lunchtime to this time three years ago when I was eagerly awaiting the arrival of our puppy.  I counted down the days to his arrival like it was all that mattered, when instead I should have been enjoying the calm before the storm.  Decided that perhaps this is a similar situation and I should be making the most of not knowing.

4.  I was having a good day - post run euphoric, sewing was going well, C was home, new phone had arrived.  It was all good.  Until I discovered that my new phone doesn't work properly and is going to have to go back (if the Ebay seller isn't bogus!) but by now I had changed onto a new SIM which can't be reversed back onto my old one, and in the end I had to go and visit the lads who showed me how to put a SIM in H's phone and buy an adaptor so I can put my new SIM card back in my old phone! (Great - now they think I'm stupid as well as technically inept!) I could have cried, but instead I took to swearing like a trouper in front of H's friend!

5.  In the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter, it'll either get sorted or it won't.  There are so many people dealing with real issues and here's me complaining because my iphone doesn't work, oh boo hoo! But it's annoying and frustrating and very hard to maintain an air of enthusiasm - but I'll have another stab at it tomorrow.

M - 357
Liverpool Half - 24
Glasgow Half - 136
Distance covered                4.4 miles   
Total Distance covered   627.9 miles

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Day 395

1.  It was definitely post run euphoria spurring me on yesterday. In the absence of it today I have struggled to get going and there was certainly no 'whirring' going on inside my head!

2.  I am starting to find it a little on the hard side not to feel despondent that I haven't heard from Barnardo's - yet!

3.  In an attempt to motivate me this afternoon C suggested I move on from 'if I don't look at my emails for an hour I'll hear from them' to 'if I get 'x' done - especially if 'x' is something I don't want to do - I'll hear from them'.  It was a nice try but I'm starting to think that it doesn't make a blind bit of difference what I do, I just have to be patient.

4.  I did however have the thought that perhaps they're reading this, which on one hand would be great because it means they're interested in me but on the other perhaps I should try to sound a little bit less moany!  If you are reading please be advised that I've been waiting an awfully long time to get to this point (394 days to be precise) and if you'll have me I'll be soooooooooooo excited and you won't regret it because I'll do everything I can to get myself in good enough shape to complete the course, whilst at the same time raise as much money as I possibly can to help those children you work with have a better childhood.

5.  Email in from Realbuzz (London Marathon partner) suggesting running at least one half marathon en route to the big one.... way ahead of you there! There then followed page after page of advice and tips, which it will take till Liverpool to wade through! However in an attempt to to pull myself round a bit (no need to worry about me sisterofMG750 I'll be fine!) I did stop on the page of inspirational quotes...

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Time for an early night me thinks - busy day awaits tomorrow!

M - 358
Liverpool Half - 25
Glasgow Half - 137
Total Distance covered   623.5 miles

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Day 394

1.  Utterly exhausted when I woke up this morning, even though I slept through the alarm - insomnia very kindly deciding to have a lie in too!

2.  For the first time (that I can remember at least) I was really doubting my decision to run three half marathons this year.  I just wanted it all to stop.

3.  The weather however was not going to be kind to us today, and in the end decided I would rather run in the rain than trudge around the fields with the dog in the rain. Dougal voiced his opinion by retreating to his bed but he wasn't getting out of it that easily.

4.  Came home in a much better mood, and was not only productive, but my head started whirring away on a fundraising idea that might just see a better return for my time than my attempts to sew my way to my target!  Was daring to believe that it might be the Vitamin B12 kicking in, but by four o'clock I was back to being exhausted and decided that it was probably just post run euphoria.

5.  Still no word from Barnardo's but an email from London Marathon thanking me for entering the 2016 Ballot and telling me that they'll be in touch with training plans and running guides in the near future.  The fact that they also told me that there are the best part of a quarter of a million of us who entered made me think that what they were really saying was 'Thanks, but don't get your hopes up!'.

M - 359
Liverpool Half - 26
Glasgow Half - 138
Distance covered               5.2 miles
Total Distance covered   623.5 miles

Monday 18 May 2015

Day 393

1.  The latest destination along the road to ascertaining what, if anything, is actually wrong with my digestive system was a series of x-rays this morning.

2.  For a period of a little over an hour a gentleman and I played a strange sort of version of musical chairs in hospital gowns as we alternated between a seat in the waiting area, the x-ray room and a trolley in the corridor at ten minute intervals.

3.  Little did I know it would end in a game of pat a cake, as apparently the most effective way of shoogling things around a bit (to get a better picture) was to prod me with a wooden spoon!

4.  No idea if they found anything, but en route to today's investigation they did discover a Vitamin B12 deficiency! Weekly injections for three weeks followed by one every twelve weeks.  I had such high hopes of this being the answer to my fatigue, sometimes less than cheery disposition, tinnitus and inability to think of more than one thing at once.  The nurse's face when I asked her how soon I would notice a difference portrayed enough scepticism to make me question whether it will work at all - but I am keeping the faith.

5.  Clearly in a better mood today (the fins arrived this morning) or perhaps just too tired to care, I allowed myself to be talked into staying with Virgin Mobile when updating the SIM for my new (to me at least) iphone! Running app's and Spotify beware... here I come!

M - 360
Liverpool Half - 27
Glasgow Half - 139
Total Distance covered   618.3 miles

Sunday 17 May 2015

Four weeks till Liverpool!

Four weeks till Liverpool, and the second of our three half marathons this year.  Starting to feel a bit apprehensive about it and a small spasmy twinge (!) at the top of my left leg is making me all the more anxious. I think it's how the issue with my IT Band started last time and I'm going to have to keep my eye on it.  I don't know whether to be glad that there's four weeks still to train, or wish that it was a lot sooner than that and I could just get it over with and deal with the consequences - although that doesn't really fit with my original goal of finishing in good enough shape to keep running!

Sometimes it takes saying something out loud for it to really hit home.  Asked yesterday if the Biomechanics Man had said I would always have a weakness with my IT Bands I had to stop and think, because to be honest I couldn't remember.  Without wanting to put words in his mouth, I think the answer would be "No" quickly followed by "As long as you're prepared to put the work into sorting it - but for whilst the time you spend running vastly outweighs the time you spend on strength work and cross training then almost certainly yes". With this in mind I decided that I really ought to go to the gym this morning!

Insomnia still coming to greet me at around 5am, I had got up and made another bag before the gym even opened, but by the time the clock had ticked round far enough I really couldn't be bothered going.  However a text to C to wish him good luck today at the second day of his Underwater Hockey GB selection weekend, and I decided that I was going, whether I wanted to or not.  Very proud of my boys and keen to see them happy and succeeding in their chosen specialisms, I would however hope that I stop short of being a stereotypical pushy mum.  That said, I know I have been fairly unforgiving over keeping C on track with his somewhat gruelling training schedule over the past few months - time will tell if it's paid off for him, but time this morning for me to practise what I preach and just get there and get on with it!  I even did some dreaded burpees when the prowler was occupied (but am very grateful that I didn't ask the Biomechanics Man how many of them I should be doing!).

M - 361
Liverpool Half - 28
Glasgow Half - 140
Total Distance covered   618.3 miles

Saturday 16 May 2015

Day 391

1.  Hadn't fully realised until Al and I set off to run to parkrun this morning, quite how alike HMG and I are in our ability to be up, awake, excited and talkative first thing in the morning! Much as I adore my husband our 'lark' meets 'owl' combo didn't make for the liveliest of conversations en route! But it was good to be running with you again Mr L.

2.  Had a notion this morning to mark the parkrun's to my hundredth by songs in the corresponding year, so something from 1977 to mark my 77th parkrun.  But which of the delights on offer to choose - Abba, Boney M, the aforementioned (albeit rather a long time ago) David Soul? In the end there was no contest....

3.  This one's for you parkrunfastfinisher on your outstanding PB of 22.48 this morning! (just change the "we"to "you" or "I"

4.  It is a year since I ran my PB when I was only seven seconds behind him, a far cry from this morning's two minutes plus!

5.  Had a lovely day.  Enjoyed my run, forgetting to pack the pain au chocolat in C's bag yesterday made for a rather nice breakfast, then spent the afternoon sewing whilst Al pottered (!) in the garden. Another bag finished, had hoped for two but didn't think my fingers could cope with any more today after I seemed intent on turning them into pin cushions!

M - 362
Liverpool Half - 29
Glasgow Half - 141
Distance covered              5.5 miles
Total Distance covered   618.3 miles

Friday 15 May 2015

Day 390

1.  I have a daily affirmation that starts "I am open and receptive...." oh how far removed this was from the truth when I barked it out to the universe on my dog walk this afternoon! "Closed and hostile" might be more apt, but the realisation was enough to make me laugh at myself and break my mood slightly (yes Al, it was worse earlier!).

2.  My two major frustrations aside, there is good news to report! SisterofMG750 has completed her gym transformation with much more commitment and hard work than I managed to throw at mine, and has been rewarded with real results! Well done sis - what's next? A marathon perhaps?

3.  Fellow parkrunner has got my one hundred card sales target off the ground with an order for four - thank you! Very very nearly at the next milestone on the old totaliser - been a while since we've seen it.

4.  A 'rest' week in our usual training plan, means that Al and I are running to parkrun together in the morning! Looking forward to it, but will miss my weekly catch up with HMG.  Back to 'normal' next week with 'eight miles to parkrun' in the schedule which means tomorrow may be a one off - for now!

5.  Dropped C off at four o'clock to start the long journey to Plymouth and the GB Underwater Hockey selection weekend.  A text giving tracking information for his fins arrived at seven! AAARRRGGGHHHH!!! They haven't actually left Belgium yet but they are, it seems, finally on their way! I am immensely proud of C and all the hard work he's put into training for this weekend, GOOD LUCK SON! Go show them what you're made of! Who needs fancy super fast footwear anyway?!

M - 363
Liverpool Half - 30
Glasgow Half - 142
Total Distance covered   613.3 miles

Thursday 14 May 2015

Day 389

1.  A drive by from our training buddy was met with mixed emotions this morning, Dougal was not impressed that you weren't with us HMG, I on the other hand was filled with envy on two counts, firstly you were driving and hadn't just slogged up the hill under your own steam, and secondly over how nice you looked, a real girl about town!

2.  Spent the morning catching up with jobs on the computer whilst at the same time frantically checking for an email from Barnardo's or the people who are allegedly sending the fins.  I'm not sure this counts as active waiting.

3.  By lunchtime I decided to take a different tack, I would ban myself from looking at my emails for a whole hour. If I managed to do this, I would be rewarded by hearing from both of them when I next looked.

4.  I managed the hour, I didn't however get my reward.  Although an email later in the day the subject of which was "Your marathon journey starts here!" did momentarily raise my hopes until I saw it was from the hosts of a chat space for London Marathon hopefuls! All however many thousand of us!

5. Six and a half bags made (in total - I've not been that productive today!), thirty three and a half to make, and TWO SOLD - thank you Etsy fav and sisterofestsyfavouriter!

M - 364
Liverpool Half - 31
Glasgow Half - 143
Distance covered                4 miles 
Total Distance covered   613.3 miles

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Day 388

1.  Anxiety levels are starting to creep up on two fronts.  Firstly over a pair of fins that C needs for Friday that we have been waiting six weeks for, and secondly when I am going to hear from Barnardo's, now that the fortnight they estimated it to take to process my application is up.

2.  Both of these things are beyond my control, yet I can't seem to stop ruminating about them almost constantly, as if doing so is going to make the fins and an email magically appear.

3. Awake at five, in the shower at six and foam rollering by half past, if I had to be awake I might as well make the most of it (albeit at a rather leisurely pace!).

4.  Following on from Radio 2's Pause for Thought yesterday the message of which was that waiting doesn't mean stopping* I have been actively letting time pass today!

5.  TWO more bags made taking the total to six, and lots of views on Etsy (but as I found out this afternoon most of these may be attributable to Etsy Favouriter who is clearly looking for a diversion from her A Level studying by trying to decide which one to choose - thank you!).

M - 365
Liverpool Half - 32
Glasgow Half - 144
Total Distance covered   609.3 miles

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Day 387

1.  An Etsy view searched for by my actual name.... could that have been Barnardo's?!

2.  My hips are sore to the extent that I gave myself a day off running today, but spent most of the morning feeling guilty about it.

3.  This stopped when I realised that we ran on Sunday and not Saturday this weekend and therefore I wouldn't normally run again this soon after our long run.

4.  I appreciate that this means I really should go tomorrow, but I think a further day off would be better for me! Although I have every intention of going to the gym in the morning - I think I may need the stress release after dropping C off at school for his first AS exam, and H off to go on his Duke of Edinburgh expedition that we are exceptionally under prepared for! Good luck boys!

5.  Thought I had really lost the plot this afternoon. Chopped up some chicken, put it in a food container, went upstairs for a few minutes, came back down, couldn't find it - anywhere.  I think perhaps it should have crossed my mind earlier than it did to check the dog's bed.

M - 366
Liverpool Half - 33
Glasgow Half - 145
Total Distance covered   609.3 miles

Monday 11 May 2015

Day 386

1.  Slightly too gaseous this morning to risk going to the gym! Four sets of ten squats was asking for trouble.

2.  With hindsight it might have been the ideal way to ensure the personal space exclusion zone I crave when people come and exercise in 'my' space.

3.  C hasn't been reading my blog as regularly recently - I think the above may shame him into stopping altogether!

4.  Starting to wonder when I might hear from Barnardo's.  Some views on Etsy this afternoon where the viewer searched for me by shop name has got my hopes up that it might have been them!

5.  My hips are not at all happy after yesterday's run - time to stop typing and get foam rollering! I know I'll feel better for it, but I know it's going to hurt.  Maybe a nice bath would work just as well....

M - 367
Liverpool Half - 34
Glasgow Half - 146
Total Distance covered   609.3 miles

Sunday 10 May 2015

Thirsty work

When a run comes together and everything goes right it is a fabulous feeling and you are left in no doubt as to why you have chosen this as your hobby - conversely when it doesn't it's rubbish.

Setting off this morning full of excitement and expectation for our new ten mile route, I don't think either of us really paid enough attention to the differing factors about today's run.  Firstly it was considerably warmer than of late, and secondly we weren't running to parkrun and so had to do the whole ten miles in one go, without a fifteen minute break waiting for parkrun to start and the subsequent opportunity to refuel and nip to the loo. Stuffing a few jelly bunnies (left over from Easter) into my back pocket I thought I'd got things covered, HMG did much the same and off we set.

It was a long way, a bush had to suffice for a toilet which was fine, the absence of water however was not.  The warmer I got, the nearer to liquid my sweets became and the stickier my hand got as I tried to prise them out of my pocket. The more sweets we ate the thirstier we got to the point that HMG's vision started to blur. A handily placed cafe appeared like an oasis before us as we neared home and meant we were able to complete the route, but the idea of running on that little bit further just to get to the magic ten miles we decided wasn't worth it today - it would appear that the two novice runners have yet to fully enter into the intermediate category, despite being members of the half marathon club!

It was hard not to feel despondent, but we also know that we have to chalk it up to experience and take it for what it was, a training run, where it is us who were being trained to think smarter and prepare better.

The obvious answer is to take some water with us, but the sound of it sloshing around as we run makes me need the loo all the more, and it's not always as easy as it was this morning to find a conveniently quiet and inconspicuous spot, so there was talk of small bottles and running belts and better hydration on the days preceding run day.  What neither of us seemed prepared to mention was the option of one of those backpack and tube contraptions that are on the market.... thankfully our next few long runs are via parkrun and there'll be water en route at Liverpool so perhaps we can postpone the inevitable for a while longer HMG!

M - 368
Liverpool Half - 35
Glasgow Half - 147
Distance covered                9.6 miles
Total Distance covered   609.3 miles

Saturday 9 May 2015

Day 384

1.  An all you can eat breakfast buffet instead of parkrun on a Saturday morning?! Very nice it was too.

2.  Not really knowing what to expect at the Open Day I'd spent a fair amount of time wondering what to wear and wasn't overly thrilled to see C pull one of his oldest T shirts out of his bag this morning.  A room full of potential Oxford Computer Scientists and (overwhelmingly) their fathers - at what point was it ever going to be about fashion?!

3.  Didn't make it into ONE shop.

4.  I was however immensely proud walking round one of the colleges later in the afternoon. I have no idea if they'll offer C a place but just being there with him today when it is a realistic possibility will do for me, and they'll be fools if they don't (although perhaps I won't suggest he writes that on his personal statement).

5. In my new found 'marathon' unit of measurement - at five hours we spent (hopefully) slightly more than one in the Computer Science department today, and at a little under four hours (definitely) less than one on the train home!

M - 369
Liverpool Half - 36
Glasgow Half - 148
Total Distance covered   599.7 miles

Friday 8 May 2015

Day 383

1.  C and I are off to Oxford this evening... VERY EXCITED!

2.  I've wanted to visit the city for a long time, and although in my mind's eye I was picturing punting down the river with Al, a trip with my son (whilst he attends a University Open Day,) comes a close second.

3.  Having been told by C that I don't have the prerequisite computer (or mathematical) knowledge to accompany him to the lecture (Algorithms and Complexity in Computer Science - can't think why he thought that) I was happy enough to spend a day pottering round the shops in manner reminiscent of our Saturday in Brighton.  However looking at the provisional schedule for the day there appear to be alternative lectures on for parents, mainly focussing on how we're supposed to be able to afford to pay for his education should he be lucky enough to be offered a place when the time comes!

4.  I'm a little confused as to how I got to be old enough to be accompanying my son to look at prospective Universities when it doesn't feel that long ago since I left mine, especially as I still haven't worked out what I want to do after I leave! (what do you mean it's been twenty four years?!)

5.  Right time to go pack! Train leaves at half five and we've got to be on it.... with our thirty four ticket splitting tickets at the ready!

M - 370
Liverpool Half - 37
Glasgow Half - 149
Total Distance covered   599.7 miles

Thursday 7 May 2015

Day 382

1.  A morning off school to study for this afternoon's exam saw C wanting a lift to the gym instead! Which posed a bit of a dilemma as to what I should do, today being a 'run' and not a 'gym' day.

2.  In the end I opted for half an hour foam rollering my legs (ouch! Ouch! OUCH!) and did my three mile run on the treadmill, neither of which I am keen to repeat.

3.  In an attempt to avoid the non completion feeling of guilt I had on Monday, I had a quick chat with the Biomechanics Man (whilst foam rollering I hasten to add - couldn't have held a conversation whilst maintaining the relentless pace on the horror that was the treadmill) about an alternative to the 'prowler' ('Geoff Capes' dead weight push thing) if it's being used by someone else... BURPEES?! I'll wait for the prowler thanks!

4.  Slightly sad that I didn't run that little bit further and cross the six hundred training miles mark, very glad that I will instead reach this milestone on Sunday with HMG in the fresh air and running on the open road instead.

5.  There is a rat running a mock in our garden. You could say he was taking the proverbial but in truth he's more likely to be leaving a trail of it! Sid the dog would be turning in his grave, if he had one - I have rotated the vase in which he currently resides on his behalf.

M - 371
Liverpool Half - 38
Glasgow Half - 150
Distance covered               3.1 miles
Total Distance covered   599.7 miles

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Day 381

1. Grrrrrr in a foul mood today! Sitting in a traffic jam to get to the gym did not get things off to a good start. The session was then blighted by the presence of several spatially unaware gym goers who seemed to find it necessary stand in what I consider to be my personal space (which admittedly may be rather on the large side) and then huff, puff and groan in a most off putting manner. I resisted the temptation to run away and stuck it out for the full workout.

2. An argument with the Nectar customer services representative who was unable to explain why my current points balance and the total of the points from my 'recent' transactions didn't add up to the same amount, did nothing to lighten my mood. I was somewhat irate by the time I spotted that my so called 'recent' transactions dated back to October 2012, the points for which have long since been added and spent! Oops.

3. Thankfully there was no need to get into an argument when I phoned to cancel H's phone contract.  Fairly early on into his 'what can we do to make you stay' pitch, I told him the reason I was leaving was because I really hate Virgin Mobile. I think he got the message that I was a lost cause.

4.  Not able to find a screwdriver small enough to undo the screws to H's new iphone so we could get the cover off to insert the SIM, I went down to the local phone shop armed with my best smile to ask (somewhat cheekily as none of it had been purchased there) if they could do it for me.  Oh how the young lad tried to hide his smile at opening the little drawer on the side of the phone. Should have googled 'how to insert a SIM Card' and not 'how to open the back' - oh well you live and learn! Very graciously I have decided to let H live a little longer.

5. Thankfully Al was home by the time the replacement greenhouse glass arrived. Not to be trusted around something so fragile at the best of times there's no way I'm going anywhere near it today!

M - 370
Liverpool Half - 39
Glasgow Half - 151
Total Distance covered   596.6 miles

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Day 380

1.  Four bags! I remembered enough overnight to make another!

2.  Unfortunately everything has now been put away as I don't have time to look at it again until next week.

3.  I am taking heart from the fact that I feel this is unfortunate, although I wonder how many bags it will take for me never to want to see another one again!

4.  All four bags are now listed on Etsy* however I'm torn between wanting them to sell and wanting them to be on there long enough for the people at Barnardo's to see I mean business if they get as far as looking when assessing my application! I know the latter makes no sense. Look! Buy! I'll make some more!

5.  Five mile run, attempting to stay sheltered from the wind by abandoning our usual routes in favour of the Greenway (tarmacked disused railway), which has the advantage of being flat, but is a bit boring to run along.  Average speed not vastly different to my usual much hillier route, and I'm slowing adopting the opinion that I like hills because of the joy they bring when they're over!

M - 371
Liverpool Half - 40
Glasgow Half - 152
Distance covered               5.2 miles
Total Distance covered   596.6 miles

Etsy shop link - fingers crossed this will work!

Monday 4 May 2015

Star Wars Day

So much for my lie in - awake at half six it transpired I was not the only one who couldn't sleep! A text in from HMG minutes later confirming that she's entered the ballot for next year's London Marathon!  No way I was going to get back to sleep after that! Up, dressed and downstairs submitting my application before the list closed and I missed the opportunity to hedge my bets of getting a place with Barnardo's by entering the public ballot - the fact that I have several more days to do seemed to have escaped my notice! Striking whilst the iron's hot (or doing it before there was time to change her mind) was clearly the order of the day as by half nine sisterofMG750 was in too - whoooo hooooo! Team MG750 are on our way to London!

In truth I may have only convinced the other two to consider it, and that at this juncture they just have to make sure they are in with a chance of a place, but for the purely selfish reason of not wanting to go through the experience without them, I feel it is a least a step in the right direction... and lots of small steps a marathon runner makes!

Binge watching of the Star Wars films (yes all six of them) going on in the lounge, I had plenty of time to go to the gym and sew, although Al did tear himself away to walk the dogs with me (even if it was timed around his least favourite film!).

The gym was busier than I'd have liked and I left without completing my workout as I couldn't be bothered waiting for a piece of equipment to become free. Oh the guilt! Which I'm taking as a positive sign that I actually care! I did however grant myself absolution after hiking round the woods with the dog!

As for getting my head round my sewing, well... it did take most of the day, and Al did joke that I should buy some plastic to sew on the inside of my bag as the rate I was cutting bits off it was going to end up looking more like a wash bag (he's funny!), but I got there! Not entirely convinced that I'll remember what I'm doing when I stop long enough to think about anything else but for now there are three bags finished!

All in all a good way to end a lovely long weekend.  I know that the chances of us all getting places in London are slim, talking HMG and sisterofMG750 down the charity route will take some doing, and getting my sis to want to run a marathon at all may be the biggest obstacle of all, but we're in with a chance and after all it is Star Wars Day, May the 4th be with us - we're going to need it!

M - 372
Liverpool Half - 41
Glasgow Half - 153
Total Distance covered   591.4 miles

Sunday 3 May 2015

Day 378

1.  Up at half seven to sit on the sofa, drink tea, eat chocolate digestives and chat with my sister.... still there at lunchtime! A truly lovely way to spend a Sunday morning.

2.  Unfortunately not going to be how I spend Bank Holiday Monday morning as sisterofMG750 went home this afternoon, but I am hoping for a lie in as Al took full advantage of the situation this morning and stayed in bed.

3.  Oh how wrong I was on Friday when I said I thought I'd worked out what was going on with my sewing!

4.  A very frustrating afternoon and evening involving lots of sewing, followed by lots of unpicking and finally lots of sitting in deep concentration whilst I try to get my brain to work out what on earth is going on, only to come to the conclusion that what I want to be able to do isn't physically possible!

5. Trouble is I now can't remember how I botched the first one!

M - 373
Liverpool Half - 42
Glasgow Half - 154
Total Distance covered   591.4 miles

Saturday 2 May 2015

Day 377

1.  Early start this morning, setting off at half seven with HMG for our six miles to parkrun warm up! Loved it!!

2.  Farthest run since Brighton, my fastest parkrun this year, the first woman home in my new age category and I have entered the 'all time 45-49 female runners at Dewbury' list at number nineteen! Not bad for a morning's work that was over by half nine!

3.  Al's at a juggling convention, C changed his plans and didn't join us, but someone in the house smashed their PB this morning! By a process of elimination I think that makes it you Gym Girl! Well done sis!

4.  Cooking dinner for eight when the resident chef was enjoying a day off meant rather a lot of time spent in the kitchen this afternoon.

5.  The time spent cooking was however less time than I predict it will take me to run a marathon. This was a somewhat sobering thought, and whilst it might have been the first, I doubt it will be the last time this unit of measurement is used over the next year!

M - 374
Liverpool Half - 43
Glasgow Half - 155
Distance covered                9 miles
Total Distance covered   591.4 miles

Friday 1 May 2015

Day 376

1.  Uh oh! When I tried to post a link to yesterday's blog on Facebook it was blocked for security reasons! When I changed me sentence from 'arm*d with a pair of s@issors' to 'let loose with a pair of scissor's' it was allowed.  Scissor army beware - if I need to call you into action I may have to find a different social media sight to do so!

2.  After yesterday's reference to Billy Ocean I think it's only right that I mention the fact that I've now been singing Rockwell's 1984 'classic' "Somebody's Watching Me!"

3.  You Tube video watched (no, not for the music video), paper pattern played with and I think I might have finally got my head round what I should have been doing with my sewing yesterday.

4.  In a show of will power the likes of which, lets face it, are rarely seen. I resisted the temptation to get all my sewing stuff back out that I'd packed away yesterday and got on with the job in hand of tidying the house instead.  I am however itching to have a go - not least because if it works it will hopefully speed up the production 'line' somewhat!

5.  SisterofMG750 is here! Not only great to see her but she is looking great! A real advert for what sticking to the gym transformation programme can do.  Didn't make it myself today, but I will be back on Monday! Is that a gauntlet you have laid before me sis?!

M - 375
Liverpool Half - 44
Glasgow Half - 156
Total Distance covered   582.4 miles