Saturday 1 November 2014

A rare moment of optimism

or perhaps just mid run euphoric!

Big run day today! Eight miles! In actual fact the same distance as last Saturday but run in two instalments instead of three!

As the distance we've to run gets longer so HMG's arrival time at mine is getting earlier, a slightly uncivilised quarter to eight this morning, (but not as bad as next week's half seven start!).  It was a beautiful day, our route was slightly different but still enjoyable, and we are starting to settle into a comfortable conversational pace, which makes it all the more enjoyable still! The five miles to parkrun didn't seem any longer than the four miles last week and for the first time I really got the feeling that I might be able to do this! That thirteen miles is, if not quite yet within our reach or even our sights, definitely attainable. I felt at the end of it that I could have run and run stretching out into the great blue yonder, the thought of three and a half times round Crow Nest Park didn't have quite the same appeal!

But I did it, chalked up another run on my way to my 100th and maintained my time of around just under twenty six minutes, since starting our long run to parkrun training.  My knees and ankles are however less than impressed! Thankfully I have a trip to see the Biomechanics Man on Thursday, which can't really come soon enough, although by then I should have run a further ten miles, no rest for the wicked eh?!

Actually, although perhaps not rests exactly,  HMG and I have been discussing possible alterations to our training plan to accommodate other commitments (running and non running) but for the next week at least we're sticking to the plan.  I'm a little anxious about deviating from it - that once we've done it once, or indeed twice it might all just slip away, and then there is the arbitrary goal of running thirteen miles by Christmas to consider, but I think if we decide on the deviations in advance then it should still feel like we're sticking to it - just that we've tailored made it for us! I'll have a look HMG and see what I can come up with!

Clearly running during the week (and being held back from his full potential!) worked in Al's favour as he completed his fortieth parkrun today in his forth fastest time ever - way to go Mr L! What better way to celebrate but to be man amongst ten babes sat outside the cafĂ© post run?! Although in fairness I think he would have rather have had some male company - come back parkrunfastfinisher! All this holidaying is getting a bit wearing now!

M - 555
Brighton Half - 113
Glasgow Half - 337
Distance covered                   8 miles
Total Distance covered      328.6 miles

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