Saturday 29 November 2014

ELEVEN Pipers Piping...

Whooo hoooo!

Not surprisingly it was still dark when I got up this morning at quarter to six to eat my breakfast in enough time for it to have settled slightly before setting off on our run.  It was however still dark when HMG and I set off just over an hour later, oh and it was also raining, just to add to the whole experience. But with our usual Saturday morning greeting of 'we must be mad' off we set on a new route to run eight miles to parkrun.

Dark and with fogged up glasses the first four miles or so were a bit of a blur, but it's OK we'll still be running this route next summer so plenty of time to familiarise ourselves with the scenery! A bit of a killer of a hill mid way round but a lovely feeling of satisfaction when we got to the top knowing that by and large it was downhill all the way from there to the park (ignoring the REALLY steep bit that we finish our run just before so we can walk up it!).

By the time we reached the park I was already post run euphoric and enjoyed the final three miles - week before last when I 'only' ran three miles to get there aside - I ran my fastest time for a while which on the end of my furthest ever run is something to smile, write and potentially harp on about for the rest of the day! Even if Al can trump it....

Over eight minutes faster than when he ran parkrun for the first time a year ago this weekend, he managed a PB of 23.31 and although still not euphoric has at least admitted to being pleased! (not least because he managed to beat parkrunfastfinisher!! But only just!)  You've come a long way from those first few runs when your only focus was not to be sick Mr L! I love you (still a bit on the emotional side) and I love that parkrun has become part of our lives and something that we can share together. Extra bonus that C joined us this morning. Extra extra bonus that he decided to ease himself back into running gently and finished behind both of us! Love you too C!
Been a roller coaster of a week, but ending in a better place than it started! And for whilst there weren't eleven pipers piping us in past the finishing post today, there will be thirteen awaiting us at every mile marker next October in Glasgow HMG and sisterofMG750! Long way off I know but I'm looking forward to it already! 

M - 528
Brighton Half - 85
Glasgow Half - 309
Distance covered                11.1 miles
Total Distance covered      399.6 miles (aarrggghhh! Sooooo close!)

PS Just in case you ever do read this H - love you as well x

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