Sunday 16 November 2014


but I may thank myself for them (quite literally) in the long run.

Bit of an odd day today... most of my running friends have been at the Abbey Dash 10K in Leeds...
I didn't want to go for a whole host of reasons, that still hold true, but I can't help feeling that I've missed out.

My biggest problem being that the only real interest I had in running it was to better my time over 10K, which I keep saying I have no desire to do, yet know full well that given the opportunity I would have pushed myself to try, but the risk of injury is too great.

A text from HMG and apparently she knows this full well too (or perhaps that should be 'fool' instead of 'full!') as she informs me that it's a nice flat course which I'd love, and after three half marathon's next year I'd really be able to indulge my inner speed junkie!

So perhaps I should just be pleased that for today I haven't over done it, and am still on track for being able to do our ten miler next weekend. Ten miles! Really starting to look forward to it, and our eight o'clock start means we get a lie in too!

Meanwhile, I have opened the face painters box of tricks AND brought the Westival craft box out of hiding! I have however yet to persuade H to let me practice on him, and as for the craft box... why didn't I sort it out two months ago?!

I don't appear to have thought next Saturday through particularly well.  Sitting talking with Al yesterday I made mention of hoping to get twenty faces to paint.  Out of a turnout of around a hundred I didn't think this was too unrealistic. Then I worked out the times... Even if I can initiate, learn and hone my skills in the next five days, at fifteen minutes a face this would take me five hours of continuous painting! I think I may have to readjust my expectations just a little!

I would really like to make fifty pounds from the afternoon, and am now desperately trying to think of the best way of achieving this, short of going round the hall with a collecting tin and asking everyone for fifty pence each!

Currently six pounds short of the twelve hundred pound mark on the old totaliser, think it's time to get my thinking cap on before next weekend and see if we can't tick that milestone off before we go. Jam anyone?!

M - 541
Brighton Half - 98
Glasgow Half - 322
Total Distance covered      360.8 miles

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