Thursday 13 November 2014


But I think we knew it was coming....

(For the purposes of today's tale it is importanat that you are aware of a particular group of grown men who unashamedly go out in public in full football kit, they are known as Full Kit W*******.)

There is something incongruous about being rushed off your feet trying to get to an appointment the purpose of which is relaxation! I realised a little too late that I had the school run, supermarket shop, and three mile run to fit in before getting to my massage.

Lying in bed this morning I did toy with the idea of just getting up and going out for my run there and then but had left it just that little bit too late. I also contemplated not running at all (it is a rest week after all) but was reminded about something I wrote earlier to do with slippery slopes and fearing that once I've missed one run, others will invariably follow. With motivation low, and time at a premium I decided that there was only one thing for it. To get dressed as if I was going running and setting off as soon as I'd put the shopping away, no excuses. This worked well in terms of getting me out and round my 3 mile course, but meant I had to go to the supermarket looking like the equivalent of a Full Kit Fool (although I did dispense with my head band and running watch - so perhaps I managed to pass myself off as more of a gym babe!).

As predicted the massage was not of the hot stone variety, nor was it particularly peaceful as with two marathons under her belt and an interest in what I've found out at both the Biomechanics and Running Man, there was a lot to talk about (although admittedly I was rendered speechless with pain at certain points!). But I definitely feel better for going - perhaps fate knew what I needed more than I did!

Yet somehow I don't feel that the TLC box has really been ticked and I am clearly still hankering after a bit of a pamper session.  Still not removed from the mailing list (well it has only been a day) I received a voucher for a back and shoulder massage this morning, but having just looked at it is has sold out already, and to be fair I don't think it was really what I was looking for.  I'm thinking luxury, but given my bank balance I may have to settle for a scented candle and a hot bath!

M - 544
Brighton Half - 101
Glasgow Half - 325
Distance covered                  3.4 miles
Total Distance covered      354.7 miles


  1. The bath sounds good but it's mean to evict my arachnid friends on such a cold night so the scented candle option it is. Enjoy

  2. No room in the bath for eight legged friends - too full of the boys underwater hockey kit.... I'm sure you remember what it was like from your days in Kendal x
