Wednesday 26 November 2014

Christmas is coming

and my thoughts turn to food!

Looks like it might not be just the goose who's gaining weight!

If, as I mentioned last week, there is something inherently wrong with trying to find time to write about not having any.... then taking time to write about all the things I want to do rather than actually doing them isn't much better! But it requires much less energy, motivation or indeed action!

Having spent the past couple of days drifting, I decided this morning that what I needed was to be a bit more focussed, working on the premise that if I could feel a bit more organised perhaps I would also feel a bit more in control.  But my day just seemed to slip away from me and I got nothing done.

Part of the problem is one that I've encountered many times before, and talked about it on more than one occasion.  Unsure of where to start, I end up not starting at all.  I think some more time spent prioritising my list is called for, but I'm not clear about when this level of organising my need to be organised becomes a procrastination tactic.... possibly when I've thought about it long enough to talk about it, definitely when I'm writing out the job list for the third time so that it looks neat and more aesthetically pleasing!

Unfortunately I don't have that much time to waste - Christmas is one of the items on this list.

Speaking to someone last week, she asked if I had started or finished my Christmas shopping and I had to inform her that the answer was neither. A week further on and I'm no further forward.  I genuinely can't get my head around the fact that four weeks today is Christmas Eve, nor has is sunk in that my friend isn't making our Christmas Cake this year and I should have done it weeks ago! I think the lovely restful weekend curled up in front of the fire that I had been planning may have just been replaced by a weekend in the kitchen, interspersed with frantic card making!

Add the post parkrun Christmas Cafe that I'm planning on hosting on the 13 December (fancy a wee pre Christmas visit to coincide with Dad's birthday the day after sis?!) to the mix and I'm not sure how I'm going to fit it all in.

Maybe I'm one of those people who works better under pressure! But why oh why did I start the tradition a few years ago of making H an advent pillow case with 31 (he likes it to run to his birthday) pieces of individually wrapped nice chocolate and handfuls of sweeties inside?! Thankfully C is content with a couple of bars of decent chocolate, which is much easier but rarely lasts till Christmas let alone New Year!

M - 531
Brighton Half - 88
Glasgow Half - 312
Total Distance covered      384.5 miles

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