Thursday 27 November 2014

The Hunger Games

Contender, Ready?!

Didn't sleep particularly well last night, then spent most of the day either exercising or rushing about - consequently I'm exhausted and back to falling asleep whilst typing this.  I am also starving.

It's awful. All afternoon I have been desperately trying to find something in the cupboards that might take the edge off it, but we've nothing in. I know there's nothing in, no biscuits, no cake, no GRANOLA SQUARES (that I've been fantasying about since about three o'clock) but I still found myself staring that the shelves and looking in tins like there might be something lurking somewhere, overlooked for just such an occasion.

With a craving befitting an expectant mother (better not be!) I have become obsessed with the notion of a particular supermarket's own brand Granola Square. I've only ever had them once (at my sister's in October) and yet apparently they are the only thing that is going to hit the spot and stave off my hunger.  Al was very nearly sent into said supermarket on his way home from work to see if they had any, and it was suggested he detoured on his way back from his guitar lesson this evening on the off chance of finding some.  Rushing out to get to his lesson I don't think he truly understood the severity of the situation - but somehow I don't think I'll get away with sending him to the twenty four hour store several miles away on his return!

Not entirely sure where this hunger and fatigue has come from, I did go for a run this morning, and I did find it hard going, but at four miles there shouldn't really have been much to complain about, although with my usual Thursday lead legs on I did spend quite a lot of it grumbling to myself!  In hindsight I think it might have been the dog walk.  One of the fields is very steep and given the amount of rain we've had recently it has turned to mud. Trying to walk up it is akin to trying to reach the top of the Travelator on Gladiators - in wellies! I think my legs got a bit more of a work out than I had anticipated!

Clearly there's only one thing for it... going have to spend tomorrow refuelling in preparation for our next run on Saturday. How awful!

M - 530
Brighton Half - 87
Glasgow Half - 311
Distance covered                    4 miles
Total Distance covered      388.5 miles

PS Happy Thanksgiving to those of you reading in the US - hope it's a good one.

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