Wednesday 19 November 2014

Deja Vu

But hopefully with a different ending...

My house is awash with crafting materials. Pompoms, feathers, pipe cleaners, toilet rolls, paper plates, painted egg boxes and googly eyes! Sound familiar - not, I hope, because you have had the same fate bestowed upon you, but because I've been here before!

Determined that this will be the last time I will see said crafting materials I am busy making them up into bags, so that each one holds all the constituent parts for a bug, a paper plate owl, an egg box flower, a pill box and two toilet roll pillow gift boxes.... now all we have to hope for is some children who would rather craft than juggle on Saturday, or some forward thinking parents who think this would be just the ticket to take home with them to liven up a dull day sometime in the future.

Still scarred by the whole Westival experience I am trying not to get my hopes up, amid fears that I may well be stung a second time round when the afternoon doesn't unfold quite the way I would like it to! I've put way too much time into it already to ever see a return on my investment, but at least I know this time they will at least be a nice bunch of people!

What I still haven't found time to do is have a go at face painting. Part of me is convinced that it can't be that hard, the other part of me is wishing that I'd spent more time in the past putting on make-up and then I might stand half a chance! I don't know what's stopping me from having a go, but I think it may have something to do with the fact that finding out that it's harder than I think when I can't do anything about it for the next day or so will only stress me out more - better to live in oblivion and worry about in on Friday when I've set aside the whole afternoon to practise.

A quick Google search on face painting ideas reveals some pretty hideous designs which people are clearly happy enough to be photographed looking like - and then put on the internet - so perhaps is won't be so bad after all, or maybe I'll just offer stars, hearts and flowers and be done with it!

Right all this talking about it is making me want to go load the brushes and give it a whirl... BUT I've cards to make tonight that need posting tomorrow, crafty bits to finish sorting and more jam to label for dispatch - however this time I'll check which is the right side before I start writing!

M - 538
Brighton Half - 95
Glasgow Half - 319
Total Distance covered      365.9 miles

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