Tuesday 11 November 2014

Running on empty

Time for some TLC...

Having ascertained that I like to run first thing in the morning, there isn't much that will tempt me into postponing until later in the day... but the chance to go back to the fabric sale and buy a couple (or ten) more pieces for my fabric emporium was enough to tempt me into changing my routine. I'm glad I went and got the fabric, I'm less than pleased that I didn't plan my day better thereafter!

It was cold today and a bit grey, and all I wanted to do was get to the point where I didn't have to go out again! I couldn't face going for my run, coming home and showering only to have to head straight back out with the dogs.  I was all set to run post dog walk when I remembered that the boys had dentist appointments after school which would have meant heading straight back out to pick them up after school.  In the end I opted for phoning Al and offering him the chance to run with me after work, giving me the pleasure of his company on the run (provided he stayed alongside or behind!) and the added bonus of coming home and getting into my pyjama's before tea!

Trouble was, I didn't plan my food or water intake at all well for the day and by the time he got home I was in a foul mood, tired, hungry and dehydrated - I'm surprised he didn't leave me for dust! In the end we had a nice run but I think I need to start taking better care of myself.

I have finished working on our running schedule for Brighton, the next fourteen and a half weeks mapped out in front of me and HMG, and I think it's somewhat of a surprise to both of us that we feel it is achievable! We will be able to do this (as will you sisterofMG750 when you stop jet setting around the world long enough to get out for a run - but well done for your 8 miles on Sunday!). BUT the focus now has to be on keeping ourselves fit and healthy.

I need to start looking at what I'm eating and getting my water intake back up to the three litres a day it is supposed to be, but most importantly I need to get some sleep! No more sorting fabric at half eleven at night and then waking up thinking about the bits I didn't buy!

In an attempt to relax I decided to book myself a massage on Thursday and spent the vast majority of the afternoon picturing hot stones, smelly candles, and soothing music when suddenly it dawned on me that perhaps having been handed the flyer at parkrun on Saturday it might be 50% off a massage of the Sports Torture variety! Best get on with some foam rollering in preparation for it - just in case!

M - 546
Brighton Half - 103
Glasgow Half - 327
Distance covered                  3.4 miles
Total Distance covered      351.3 miles

PS Just looked her up on the internet... a Level 5 Advanced Diploma in Sports Therapy - not looking promising on the hot stone front!

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