Monday 24 November 2014

Thrown off course...

and not sure of the right way back.

Painting the faces of a group of students on Saturday we were talking about what I was raising money for, and they were all of the same opinion that they couldn't ever imagine wanting to run anywhere let alone a marathon.  Remembering how I'd felt last month whilst running around the city I was a student in, I pointed out that perhaps they didn't feel the need to run because they felt fit just by being twenty, and that in another twenty years perhaps at least one of them would find themselves buying some trainers in an attempt to do something about recapturing that feeling!

Woke up this morning and don't think I'm on my way to turning any clocks back, although my skin is trying it's best to make me feel youthful by erupting in a fresh bout of acne, which at forty four is just not right! Every other part of my body however feels old, my hair has decided to turn to frizz and I just feel run down, jaded and so far removed from the peak physical condition I am aspiring to!

Not for the first time I am thinking that if I want to do this without constant pain in my ankles and knees I'll have to get serious about doing some glute exercises, and if I want to feel better I'll have to eat better, but right now I'm a bit too tired to get my head around it.

I have for the past week been so looking forward to having a bit of breather today, and decided to indulge myself by tackling one of the nicer jobs on the to do list. Part way through doing it and a very dear and wonderful friend phoned to tell me that what she thought was an abscess, is in fact an abdominal tumour and is currently awaiting surgery to have it removed.

Stuck in the most horrible period of limbo until they operate and discover exactly what they are dealing with and what the implications for her future health will be, there is nothing anyone can do except sit and wait.

My day kind of lost direction after this.  The dogs were walked, albeit in a rather aimless way (especially as our usual route was blocked off by livestock and so we just had to tramp around some fields in a bit of an ad hoc manner until it was time to come home) but no matter how hard I searched for some way to make sense of it all, there is no justification for what's happening.

With an unexpected change in perspective it has made my blog about my aches, pains and domestic trivia seem somewhat shallow and trite and I'm struggling with the whole concept of it this evening. Time I think to go and immerse myself in all the jobs that got side lined earlier and just see what tomorrow brings.

M - 533
Brighton Half - 90
Glasgow Half - 314
Total Distance covered      379.3 miles

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