Saturday 8 November 2014

On Cloud Nine


We did it!! HMG and I ran NINE miles this morning (smiley face, smiley face, smiley face!), almost three quarters of half a marathon! Bring it on Brighton - we can do this!! But not if we've to run the route we ran this morning again!

It was horrid, not significantly different to where we've been running previously but amazing the difference changing a couple of roads can make. Admittedly it was a mile further and perhaps we would have felt it wherever we were running but I don't think so. Fear not though HMG, I have been playing around on mapometer and found us an alternative for when we revisit nine miles some time in January!

Whether we liked it or not - we did it - and arrived at parkrun with just enough time for a few quick hello's (and the pre-requisite toilet stop!) before we were off again for the final three miles.  For once in my life I started off slower than normal and then let my pace build more naturally, it seemed to work and I think I'm finally starting to see some strength in my legs as a result of our increased mileage.  (Already I'm trying to work out what would be my optimum warm up distance if I wanted to have a go at setting a new parkrun PB - clearly still a speed freak at heart!).

Talking of which, watching Mrs Motivator's face break into a smile as she crossed the finish line knowing that she'd got a long awaited, post injury, sub 30 minutes PB, was a joy to see! Thank you for making me do my stretches with you afterwards - I never do them and you know that, which is why you made a point of suggesting I went with you to the bin to do them (all glamour in our park!).  Thank you also for the pep talk on making time to do my pre run exercises, I know I tried to stonewall you with excuses as to why I can't, even though I knew you would hold no truck with any of them! What can I say I'm a work in progress!

A bit of a lazy day followed with a bit of a mad dash towards the end of the afternoon with the realisation that I wasn't quite as prepared for our friends coming for dinner as I had led myself (and Al!) to believe. I did however stumble across what is now my top tip for cleaning - do it in the light in which it will be seen! Wait until it's dark, dim the lights, you'll get round with the hoover in no time and no need to dust! Yes fellow parkrunner - day 202 was a good day!

M - 549
Brighton Half - 106
Glasgow Half - 330
Distance covered                  9.2 miles
Total Distance covered      347.9 miles

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