Sunday 30 November 2014

Anyone for tennis?!

Confused? I know I am!


Prior to starting this blog I had never been on Twitter, but as Al doesn't do Facebook and C refuses to have any link between me and him on his account, it seemed like the obvious answer to also 'tweet' a link to my blog so they could read it.  Al has since all but stopped using his account but before doing so, did encourage (and this is where I struggle with the terminology) his 'followers' to have a read! At least a couple of them did, and at least one of them has stuck with me!

With the sum total of three followers (which makes me feel like I'm recruiting - albeit rather unsuccessfully - for some sort of cult) or put another way three people following me (which makes them sound like stalkers) I think it's fair to say I haven't exactly embraced Twitter as a communication medium! Of the three, one is related to me (thanks C), one I see most weeks (thanks fellow parkrunner) and one is unknown to me personally, but is someone Al came into contact with after tweeting about his first parkrun a year ago!

Given that I don't actually know the third, when they chose to contact me this week via Twitter, I decided this constitutes a success for my blog on a par with a purchase from an unknown person on Etsy! Thank you MM, which given the news that you are going to be running London 2015, has to make you Marathon Man!

A few messages on and I was starting to feel like I was getting the hang of this tweeting malarkey, when an email notification telling me that 30 Second Tennis have favourite a tweet I'm mentioned in starts to cast some doubt over this.

Initially I got my hopes up that, seeing as MM had mentioned tennis ball rolling for a knee injury, perhaps 30 Second Tennis was just what I needed to kick start my exercise regime and sort out my aching calf muscles (after all 30 seconds with a tennis ball might be preferable to several minutes with a foam roller....) but on delving deeper all I can find on their website is reference to actual tennis coaching from a company based in Seattle.

Now I am really confused, either they are friends with MM  (actual or virtual!) or someone has picked up on the word tennis and decided to share it with their following, not knowing that it referred to the torturous and somewhat ungainly activity of rolling a tennis ball along some aching muscle!

I might not understand the inner workings of social media, or the inherent dangers that apparently lie within, and I may have mixed feelings about whether or not it is a good thing, but I like that it keeps me in touch with old friends, and enables me to make connections with new ones. Good luck with your training Marathon Man, I am sooo envious of you having your place for London, and almost wish I was running in 2015, April 2016 seems a long way off...

M - 527
Brighton Half - 84
Glasgow Half - 308
Total Distance covered      399.6 miles

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