Friday 14 November 2014

Fundraising Fatigue

I know it's not... but does the BBC have to make it look so easy?

It has been hard not to feel a little despondent today, as the generosity of the British people is being aired publicly on BBC television and radio for Children In Need and my fundraising hit an all time low yesterday.

Seizing an opportunity to break into the school market, poor C was sent in yesterday with a dozen chocolate muffins to sell at the lunchtime club his friend is organising. Significantly undercutting the school canteen I was confident that we were onto a winner and was busy planning what I could bake for next week, when a text from C put a bit of a spanner in the works. No one, apart from one girl and his brother would buy any and what should he do? Tempted to tell him to bring them home, but not wanting him to have to walk out of school still carrying the baking he hadn't wanted to take in in the first place, there was only one thing to do - refund the money and give them away.  I promise I won't ask again C.

An email from WaterAid last night compounded my feelings of inadequacy.  Apparently it is World Toilet Day on the 19th November and they are suggesting we kick start our fundraising with a loo-themed fundraising activity.  Thankfully I have my pledge amount for WaterAid already in the bank, because I'm not sure that five days is really enough time to plan anything, and I can only imagine the number of complaints that Al would receive if he told his students that anyone requesting to be excused from his lesson on Wednesday to go to the toilet will have to pay a pound for the pleasure!

However HMG if you're thinking this would be a great way to start your WaterAid campaign and would like to borrow my  bunting to adorn your front steps, perhaps you could attract a few passers-by in to use your facilities?! Aaaarrrgghhhh for people who don't work in offices (and possibly even for those who do) it is just not that easy to get anyone to part with their hard earned cash! (Unless of course you would like to pledge a large some of money to hear your name and have a really rather rubbish song played on Radio 2 - in which case it would appear there are lots of takers!).

So it was perhaps with a rather large degree of scepticism that I went to collect the face paints today for next weekend's adventure at the Leeds Juggling Convention.  I haven't even opened the box to look at them yet, let alone bribed H into coming downstairs to be my guinea pig (or tiger, or butterfly, or hulk?!) But I have enlisted the help of HMG and Garden Girl to come and be models next Friday when the face painter is coming round to give me a last minute lesson!

I don't mean to sound bitter, and I don't begrudge Children In Need a penny, in fact watching a little of the program this evening I am, as usual, humbled by the strength and tenacity displayed by so many people in the face of adversity and so very grateful for my wonderful family.  And my two thousand pound target may feel like a small drop in a very big ocean, but it will make a difference and it will be worth it . You Tube "How to Face Paint" here I come!

M - 543
Brighton Half - 100
Glasgow Half - 324
Total Distance covered      354.7 miles

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