Monday 3 November 2014

Running Joy!

sorry Al!

A change to my dog walking plans for later in the week, meant that it made much more sense to run today instead of tomorrow - especially as Al was at home and could come with me! But I'm not sure either of us really knew what we were letting ourselves in for when we set of!

I don't like running behind him, partly because the feeling of the open road stretching out before me isn't quite the same when the view in front of me is the back of his running top, and partly because I hate the feeling of needing to keep up with him - so I thought he was being very considerate this morning when he either ran along side or just behind me depending on the width of the pavement...
At no point did it dawn on me that he was working hard to keep up, all the time wondering why today felt so much harder than last week, was it the oatcake and peanut butter he had just before leaving that wasn't sitting well in his stomach, was it the extra can of Guinness he had last night, or was it because he pushed himself on Saturday? At no point did he consider the option that perhaps it was because we were running each mile over a minute faster than last week!

Oops! I'm not sure what came over me! But I all I wanted to do was run and run fast, and I loved it! After the first hill we managed to maintain a pace of around eight minute miles, which would have seen us both with a parkrun time to be pleased with!

Full of running joy, but slightly exhausted, I then spent the afternoon looking at fabrics on the internet - never the most productive use of my time but always enjoyable! Clearly I am not ready to give up on the idea of my Etsy shop just yet and am trying to think of some new things to make, but continually come across the same problem that the fabric I like isn't never the most cost effective! I need to sit down and plan what my next fundraising projects are going to be before I go ordering fabric which will then have to sit in the cupboard until I find time to do something with it! Nice as the afternoon was I think I've allowed myself to be lulled into a false sense of what time is available to me after having Al home for the past ten days, and maybe I'd be well advised to leave any fabric purchases until after I've had a look at the job list I've conveniently ignored over the holidays! Going to miss you tomorrow Mr L.

M - 553
Brighton Half - 111
Glasgow Half - 335
Distance covered                  5.1 miles
Total Distance covered      333.6 miles

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