Wednesday 5 November 2014

Eating Cake

for once not literally! (but only because I haven't had time to bake)

With two five mile runs, this is the biggest mid week schedule of the whole twelve weeks, and I have to say I felt it today (not wanting to put you off your run tomorrow HMG).  I think psychologically it was harder still because of how much I had enjoyed running the same route on Monday. I missed you this morning Al - and I'm almost sure that you would have rather been running than teaching!

I think I knew before I set off that it was unlikely that I was going to be able to match my performance on Monday, and also that it would be foolish to try, so I just decided to take it at a pace that I was comfortable with and see how it went.  It was OK.  I'm glad that I ran and I'm glad that it's behind me.... it would appear that my dislike of the Thursday run is happy enough to shift to a Wednesday when circumstances dictate a change in running days!

I am however feeling a little spurred on by the fact that I've looked at the dates and we CAN have both our cake and eat it HMG -there is time for rest weeks and still get to thirteen miles by Christmas! Which means that next week we can step the distance down, and looking at the plan that Brighton Half sent us, by more than just a notch! I'm not sure that this is the right attitude but I'm definitely more excited at the prospect of this than the thought of running nine miles on Saturday morning!

Have had a bad few days wasting a lot of time swithering over every decision and came back from my run determined to be more decisive... all ready to put this into practice over some fabric I found on one of my many internet trawls, I put it in my basket only to discover that the postage was going to be £6.20 - I don't think so! Another hour wasted trying to source it elsewhere only to go back to the original site and discover that for some reason I had chosen Spain as my country of residence! Mistake rectified, fabric ordered and peg bag started so that I am free to 'play' when this latest purchase arrives... I think I might have found a way to spend the extra time I'll gain from less exercise next week!

M - 551
Brighton Half - 109
Glasgow Half - 333
Distance covered                  5.1 miles
Total Distance covered      338.7 miles

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