Thursday 6 November 2014

Day 200

Hoping Day 201 might be better!

My insomnia is back which means that something is clearly keeping my mind from shutting down at four in the morning, but I haven't quite worked out what it is yet. There wasn't any particular problem I was trying to solve, or worry that was churning over in my head, just couldn't switch off and then when I did get back to sleep I had the most bizarre dream, the meaning to which I have also yet to work out, although I think it's fair to say that I might be a little stressed! I am certainly carrying rather a lot of tension around with me in my muscles as was confirmed by my return trip to the Biomechanics Man this afternoon.

I haven't been for an assessment for months, and I was really hoping that he was going to be impressed with how well I was doing, especially given the fact that I've miraculously managed to get myself into such good shape without doing any of my exercises. It didn't really come as a surprise when it didn't quite work out this way.

I've known for a while that I've been getting more tense and my muscles have felt tighter but I was shocked to see how much my mobility had ceased up. I'm cross with myself for letting this happen and I don't really know how it did. Always reluctant to do my exercises I know that I've never really found a way to fit them in on a daily basis, but I used to at least have the good grace to feel guilty about not doing them, now it doesn't even cross my mind! So when BM said the dreaded words "I think it's time you got reacquainted with your foam roller" there is no one but myself to blame!

Day two hundred and the optimism of both a few and a hundred days ago seems to have waned slightly! Back then I was all enthusiastic about putting what I'd learnt from the Biomechanics Man and Running Coach into practice and celebrating my internet sales and fundraising efforts.  It would, I think, be hard to feel further from that this evening and even HMG's realisation that our nine mile run on Saturday sees us three quarters of the way to half marathon distance isn't enough to pull me round. But I'll get there.

M - 550
Brighton Half - 108
Glasgow Half - 332
Total Distance covered      338.7 miles

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