Friday 7 November 2014

When the going gets tough...

nothin's gonna hold me back!

A good chat with Al last night, a period of reflection somewhere around 4am(!), and I got up feeling in a much better frame of mind this morning. Action plan to keep me busy all day formulated and exercises done before I came downstairs things were looking up.  Until I saw the weather! It was throwing it down. Dougal took one look at it and retreated under the dining room table and for a fleeting moment I thought about joining him, which conjured up a lovely mental image of Al coming home to find me and Dougal in our den hiding from the world, with Sid standing, legs crossed, at the backdoor desperate to go out for a walk.  It was however just as well that I let the thought pass, I'm not sure that sisterofMG750 would have been prepared to cut me that much slack when she phoned at lunchtime to see how I was doing.

With that special brand of straight talking borne out of concern that I love her for, sisterofMG750 has, in a nutshell, observed that I either need to find a way to enjoy what I'm doing or stop doing it! That the overall trend of my blog is of someone who doesn't appear to enjoy running and rather than energise, the whole process of running, fundraising and blogging seems to be draining me.

Not for the first time, she's right, and I promise to give some proper consideration to your suggestions sis, but for today it really was just a case of put one foot in front of the other and keep going.  Perhaps yesterday was the equivalent of me hitting 'the wall' and I can either give up, or persevere.  I hope you'll be glad to hear that I've decided to go with the latter!

I kept myself busy in the kitchen all day, a conscious plan to keep me off the internet and focussed on something other than MG750 (although I did manage to do some calf stretches whilst stirring the sauce for tomorrow's dinner!).  It's been good therapy, and I feel loads better than I did last night, but apparently such productivity is somewhat out of character as the first thing that Al did on coming home to discover my prolific cooking fest was to ask if I was feeling OK!

I'm trying my best to be. I chose to do this knowing that it was going to be a struggle both mentally and physically.  Bailing out at the first serious down swing is not part of the plan... finding a way to pull myself out of this dip is.  But when my phone died after getting rather wet on our dog walk (my waterproofs clearly not as waterproof as they once were) I couldn't help but think "Really? Was my ipod in the washing machine not enough water damage for one week?!" Unless of course this is the Universe conspiring to get me my iphone!

Nine miles tomorrow - see you at half seven HMG!

M - 549
Brighton Half - 107
Glasgow Half - 331
Total Distance covered      338.7 miles

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