Monday 10 November 2014


to accumulate - I hope so!

I was doing so well - supermarket, ironing, finances, running schedule, phone call from my friend alerting me to a fabric clearance sale, dog walking.... fabric shopping!

"I've just got one more piece of fabric to find" Ha! Ha! Ha! I have never bought so much material in my life, and I mean in total never mind in one go! I have no idea where I am going to store it, but I may well have run my marathon before I've finished sewing it! 

I have done no market research into the current demand for beautiful handmade shopping bags, but it doesn't matter. I will have to sell these whether anyone wants them or not! I am hopeful that the current policy of charging for carrier bags in Scotland will be rolled out to England in the near future, and going out with a 'designer' tote will be just what every girl needs.

You have all be warned! I can say that the fabric is fab-u-lous and they will be items to covet, and entirely original but it may well be into the New Year before I've finished sorting the fabric let alone started to sew!

But it's exciting and I'm ENERGISED sisterofMG750 and perhaps this is why my card 'business' has failed to take off (although thanks for the order sis) because rather than a creative card maker, I'm destined to be a bag lady! Oh dear quick look on the urban dictionary - weird looking outfits, fuzzy hair and a hat - that might be me already!

And so, if I'm going to start 'work' in the New Year then I have to be organised and ready to do so... Eight weeks to get my life in order? I'd better get a move on!

M - 547
Brighton Half - 104
Glasgow Half - 328
Total Distance covered      347.9 miles

PS Apologies to those who read via Twitter I forgot to post yesterday's double bill until this morning - it is now on there and at least explains why viewing figures were so low last night!

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