Monday 17 November 2014

A close call

and I think perhaps a fortuitous escape!

On the boys' school website this morning I happened upon an advert for trainee teachers. At a push I meet the minimum requirements to become a Business Studies teacher and it got my head spinning off at a tangent that perhaps I could re-train and actually do something with my life.

C was kind enough to point out that I'm already doing something - being a mum, looking after the dogs, running my marathon and raising money for charity - but was less than impressed with the idea of me being in school. H was more amenable to the idea of me being his teacher (but I think that may be because he thinks I might be more lenient and would be less likely to set meaningless homework than his current teacher does).

In the supermarket after dropping them at school and the reality of what it would mean began to sink in - I'd have to shop in the evening, weekends or on line like the rest of the working population. I'd have to find someone else to look after my dogs, which kind of defeats the purpose of having them, and as well as all that I'd have to fit my running around my life instead of my life around my running - Welcome to the Real World Marathongirl750!

Starting to think it might not be such a great idea after all, the final nail was put in the coffin this afternoon when I mistimed our afternoon walk and ended up walking past the local high school just as they finished for the day. Suddenly we were caught up in a swarm of teenagers, none of them looking where they were going, none of them giving me, Dougal, or poor little Sid ANY personal space, none of them looking like the conscientious students I had been imagining sitting listening intently to my lesson! I don't know how Al does it -they'd have ripped me to shreds in minutes!

Beating a hasty retreat back to the sanctuary of home, we arrived unscathed but nevertheless alerted to the somewhat fatal flaws in the teaching plan. C - you can breathe again, H - I'm sorry but you'd best just get the homework done, there is no easy ride on the way!

Day dream over it was back to plodding through the job list - my need for speed clearly only applies to running!

M - 540
Brighton Half - 97
Glasgow Half - 321
Total Distance covered      360.8 miles

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