Tuesday 25 November 2014

Still here

For the time being at least!

I have spent a lot of the day mulling things over but the jury is still out regarding the future of my blog.  Having written it for two hundred and eighteen days part of me is loathed to stop now, whilst another part of me could walk away.  Never known for making rash decisions (unless it concerns purchasing vast quantities of fabric) I need to take time to evaluate what I'm doing this for, but aware that if I stop I may live to regret it, I have come to the conclusion to keep going for the time being. So, here goes....

As sisterofMG750 predicted in a text early this morning, it wasn't difficult to find things to keep me busy.  First job being to tackle the washing and ironing mountain that had built up over last week when I was too busy to notice let alone do anything about it.  The arrival of H downstairs yesterday morning wrapped in a towel looking for pants, socks and a school shirt alerted me to the impeding crisis on the clean clothes front.  It took a large part of the morning but I think it has been averted!

Next up trying to sort the money we raised on Saturday into bags of change that the banks will accept so that I can pay it into my account.  Sounding a bit like a 'Grumpy Old Woman', or heaven forbid 'Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells' it does rankle me slightly that unless I hand the money in, bagged up in the correct amounts of 'no mixed coins', so that they can weigh rather than count, they won't touch it.  This is not helpful to a fundraiser whose donations do not come in such neatly packaged sums! Thankfully H is far less fussy and more than willing to take a pound worth of copper, five and ten pence pieces to spend at the local shop! The shop may not be so welcoming when they see him coming back tomorrow with the next bag!

I could always put it in the 'Coin Star' machine at the supermarket but am loathed to give them 9.9% of my money for the privilege, but thinking about it this would make better business sense than the 100% it's costing me to reimburse my Barnardo's fund for every bag of change that I give to H!

Money sorted I started planning how best to do the rest of my jobs so that I could incorporate my dog walk and then, once home, put the heating on, curl up and not have to go out again - when it dawned on me that today is a run day and I hadn't as yet been for my run! Damn!

A somewhat chilly two degrees outside I tried to convince Al that we could light the fire and curl up in front of it instead... BUT I'm glad we didn't. After a slow start I found my running legs and ran our five mile route in my second fastest time.  It was exactly the run I needed to blow a few of the cobwebs and dark clouds away. Not quite basking in sunshine but feeling better this evening than I did this morning - which is a good way to finish the day.

M - 532
Brighton Half - 89
Glasgow Half - 313
Distance covered                  5.2 miles
Total Distance covered      384.5 miles

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