Friday 21 November 2014


*or another four letter word with roughly the same meaning! 

It's harder than it looks!

It is a mark of what good friends HMG and Garden Girl have become that neither of them batted an eyelid at being asked to come round this afternoon for a couple of hours of face paint modelling... I'm not sure they were quite prepared for what followed as they were transformed into tigers, flower fairies, spidermen, elves and butterflies! 

Trying hard to follow the directions of the face painter who had so kindly given up her time to come and show me what to do, I couldn't even get the water bottle to spray mist on the paints! Every time she did it a fine flow of vapour appeared, every time I pressed the pump... nothing! This led to much hilarity and thoughts of a very long queue tomorrow as I attempt to get started.

Not a complete stranger to a paintbrush I was surprised by how hard it was to paint on the left hand side of the face, let alone get anything approaching symmetry between it and the right... but I think I have mastered enough of the basics as long as the children (or adults) are less than demanding! There may be a lot of lop sided butterflies in Leeds tomorrow afternoon!

I have become convinced that there is bound to be someone (if not several people) there tomorrow with a lot more skill and experience than me and so will be offering up the use of my paints for a donation if they would prefer to do it themselves!

Dog walking duties pre face painting fun means no parkrun in the morning. Apart from when I was recuperating from an op this time last year I have never been at home and not gone... it's going to be a strange feeling at 9 o'clock tomorrow , and can't help but wish that if I have to miss it, could it not have involved some sort of lie in?

Still a long way off being ready for tomorrow, but not wanting to let you down for the second night in a row with no blog sisterofMG750, I have put writing this ahead of things I really ought to be doing. Already shattered and with a long day ahead of us tomorrow, not to mention the small matter of a ten miler on Sunday morning I think I'd best go get on with the pressing job of turning H into The Flash (whoever he is?!)

M - 535
Brighton Half - 92
Glasgow Half - 316
Total Distance covered      369.3 miles

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