Sunday 9 November 2014

Creature of habit

My new norm and my old traits!

Whereas on Thursday I was in a really bad place and could quite happily have put my trainers on the shoe rack for an extended rest, today all I wanted to do was run! (I think this may have been a combination of some left over euphoria from yesterday, a beautiful sunny autumn morning, and the fact that it was a rest day!) Instead I contented myself with planning our ten mile route from the comfort of the sofa, trying to find one that I know we'll enjoy and for once doesn't have to end at Dewbury parkrun, but I am genuinely gutted that I'm going to have to wait a fortnight to run it!

This coming week is our first 'rest' week where we are cutting the mileage down, the week after we are shifting our long run from Saturday to Sunday to accommodate the juggling convention, and therefore doesn't have to factor in parkrun - hence the change of route.

None of the effects of these changes will actually come into force until later in the week, but already I'm feeling odd about it! Our long run to parkrun clearly having become the norm - but it will be nice not to have to set off quite so early. I am refusing to do the maths to work out what time we'll have to set off the day we run ten miles to parkrun! (but it may be somewhere around half past six!)

Had a nice relaxing Sunday, working out the dimensions and sorting fabric for my next sewing project. Started to feel guilty that I wasn't doing any of my jobs, and then reminded myself that it's the weekend and I deserve a day off! (Not sure what tomorrow's excuse is going to be!).

Actually what I need to do today is spend some time deciding where my focus is going to be for the coming week. I have a long list of jobs that hold much higher priority than sewing, but it is quickly becoming the only thing I am fixating on! Like my 'no exercises - no blog' mantra that worked so well for a couple of weeks perhaps I need a 'no jobs - no sewing' equivalent. In the meantime I've just got one more piece of fabric to find... and a trawl through the internet looking for the perfect piece surely doesn't count as actually sewing!

M - 548
Brighton Half - 105
Glasgow Half - 329
Total Distance covered      347.9 miles

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