Tuesday 18 November 2014

Cracking up

or just getting old?!

A visit to the dentist this morning confirmed what I already knew and I guess many suspected, I am officially cracking up, or at least one of my fillings is (or rather has - through old age apparently!). The thought of going back in a couple of weeks to have it drilled out, re-filled and have to pay over a hundred pounds for the pleasure wasn't the best start to the day but at least it will, at some point, be sorted. In the meantime I will just have to rise to the challenge of trying to find a way to eat chocolate without it setting my teeth on edge, it isn't easy but rest assured I'm giving it my best shot!

But between this, my hearing loss, and the return of sore ankles (I know - shouldn't have tried so hard on Saturday), I just feel old. Who said regular exercise was good for you?!

Enlisting the help of my next door neighbour to sell jam to her work colleagues, I got an order in for seven jars this afternoon. This is fantastic news as it takes me past the twelve hundred pound mark that I so wanted to hit before the weekend. It did add the job of labelling the jars to my already extensive list for the day, but I didn't mind - until that was when I went to stick the labels on the jars and discovered I'd drawn them on the backing paper and not the sticky part! In my defence the backing paper is PLAIN (before you go picturing me not noticing Avery emblazoned across it in red ink) but it made me feel even more decrepit as I added failing eyesight to the list of today's aliments!

Nevertheless it was a five mile day today, old or otherwise, and I had a nice run despite it being the evening! Al had asked that I waited until he got in from work so we could run together and it was nice having his company - if you can call it that when we run listening to different music and don't speak other than to confirm roads are clear to cross and an occasional "you OK?!" Couldn't be further removed from the early morning 'putting the world to rights' run that I share with HMG but we're starting to fall into a better pattern of Al staying just slightly behind me until we reach a predetermined point where I am quite happy for him to pass and sprint for home!

But twice that distance on Sunday... really?!!

M - 539
Brighton Half - 96
Glasgow Half - 320
Distance covered                 5.1 miles
Total Distance covered      365.9 miles

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