Thursday 20 November 2014

All go!

There is something inherently wrong with trying to find time to write about not having any!

It's been a busy day, in a busy week, that I can't believe started with me having thoughts about getting a job! Already struggling to fit everything in that needed to be done today, the news that H had been called for a casting audition in Leeds this afternoon was close to being the straw that broke this camel's back - but not quite!

I have no idea why he wants to do this as a profession. It is soul destroying.  This time it was for a company who will apparently purchase your car whatever state it is in, and they were casting for a number of roles. This meant that the reception area was filled with hopeful luvvies of varying ages and appearance but all bearing the same trade mark fake smile and feigning interest in each others careers. No words this time (which was a slight relief after the teflon coated trousers incident) just a dishevelled fifteen year old boy slouching on a sofa - job should be in the bag really!

This unexpected alteration to my afternoon's plans did however mean that I didn't have time to run with Al this evening which was a shame. I plodded round my three miles first thing this morning, it was OK just another one ticked off the training plan really. Al, on the other hand, bounced through the door having run five, and the closest to post run euphoric I've ever seen him! Clearly without me to hinder his pace he had flown round! It was nice to see and hard to watch all at the same time. Chuffed that he was so pleased and proud of him for doing so well, yet awash with running envy - an odd mix of emotions.

An evening off this evening at Westival Saviour's. A pamper evening with lots of luxurious products to try and buy.  The last time I went we had spent the evening having a facial and I had assumed this evening would follow a similar format, so thought I'd save some time arriving ready to cleanse! I realised my mistake on arrival when luxury Christmas gifts to give you the red carpet treatment clearly meant come looking like you're about to walk down one!

Had a lovely evening Mrs J, an oasis of calm amidst the chaos - thank you. It was just what I needed but I still can't imagine a life where I get to spritz the room with aromatherapy mist, sit back and relax! Perhaps I should take a leaf out of your book - then I might arrive looking a little more serene next time! Forget casting for a fifteen year old boy, how about a role for a messy mum?!

M - 537
Brighton Half - 94
Glasgow Half - 318
Distance covered                 3.4 miles
Total Distance covered      369.3 miles

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