Tuesday 4 November 2014

Sound and Vision

(Nothing I could do but) sit right down waiting for the gift of....

Last week when Al was on holiday and I would have had no problem with waking him up to go and see to the dogs if they had woken early - they didn't - going back to work this morning and Dougal decided to wake up at five.  I did lie there for a few minutes hoping that I'd misheard but no such luck - it's been a long day! Some of it productive (a couple more jobs ticked off the list), some less so!

Yesterday I inadvertently managed to leave my ipod in my running kit and put it through the washing machine, not surprisingly there was no sign of life afterwards but I put it in a bowl of rice to try and dry it out just in case.  It is an old ipod Nano of C's and both he and I were of the impression that I would be able to pick up a replacement for pence as it is really out of date.  Not so.  I am unsure as to why exactly but the ones on Ebay are all being keenly watched by large numbers of people and selling for significantly more than we thought.  I wonder if this is for the very reason that I like mine so much, it is small enough to fit in the exceptionally tiny pocket that they include in some running kit (I think it's meant for a key).

So I found myself trying to work my way through this current dilemma - do I spend money on a 'new' ipod Nano, do I try and find a way to run with my ipod Touch (which I have also inherited from C), or do I put the money I would have spent on a replacement Nano towards an iphone and just be done with it? But if I do go for one of the two larger options where do I put them when I'm running? Al has an armband contraption that I think would drive me nuts (although to be fair I've never tried), I could make some sort of belt with a pocket in it, again I think this might annoy me (never mind how it would look!), or I could sew pockets onto my running tops - which is possibly my preferred option but seems a little time consuming and I can't help but think there must be a better solution out there.

Before I had time to go off into cyber space in search of it, I decided to retrieve my ipod from it's grain covered home and see if there had been any sign of improvement - we have sound but very little vision! I don't hold out much hope for being able to add anything new to it, but as long as I keep it on the same loop that it's been on since April I am hoping it'll be OK! And for whilst this should make me happy, I can't help but wish that it had sparked into life an hour or so earlier and saved me all that time searching for and debating it's replacement, add in the hour that I've now spent typing up the tale to tell you and it would appear that most of my day has in fact been wasted! BUT I did make myself text the lady who is doing to lend me her face paints for the juggling convention, she remembers me and is still happy to let me borrow them - I think this I good news!

M - 552
Brighton Half - 110
Glasgow Half - 334
Total Distance covered      333.6 miles

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