Sunday 23 November 2014


and thirteen hundred pounds in the bank (extremely smiley yet slightly haggard face!)

We did it! Set off at eight and completed our route in a little under two hours - all TEN miles of it! What can I say - it was a LONG WAY!! 

Not having had the opportunity to run my favourite seven mile route yet with HMG, I spent some time working out a way of incorporating this into our ten miles this morning, which meant that we ran a bit of an odd loop to start with but I think it was worth it in the end! Especially as we got to run past the house where HMG had lived when she was a teenager and I got to have a sneak peak into the world she used to live in.  Perhaps one day I'll take her up to Eaglesham - something to look forward to sister and school friend of MG750! On second thoughts I think the Glasgow 10K and half marathon next year may suffice!

Really pleased that the ten mile milestone has been ticked off, but not altogether sure how I feel about it not finishing at parkrun. It's hard work getting there with three miles still to run, but psychologically we did think that perhaps it was easier as we don't think about it in terms of three miles - it's just parkrun - but it was nice to know that we can run that sort of distance without a fifteen minute break and toilet stop en route!

Cursing myself for not having cleaned the bath before I went out, and making a mental note to make sure it is not the first thing I have to do on returning home from a ten mile run in future! I did eventually get to sink into the lavender infused water I had been dreaming of, and despite waiting for Al to get home just in case I couldn't get out again, I did manage to haul myself out a while later!

Brunch eaten I went into overdrive rushing round doing all the jobs that needed doing today, washing, ironing, putting clothes away, washing up after brunch anything to avoid sitting down knowing that when I did it was highly probably that I would either seize up, fall asleep or both!
At time of writing I am forcing myself to stay awake long enough to finish this (to put this into context it's quarter to four in the afternoon!).  

I am exhausted. It has been an exceptionally busy week but it has been worth it.... exceeding all expectations the thirteen hundred pound mark on the old totaliser has been reached, and I've run ten miles. I think a quieter week next week is needed, time to recharge the batteries and relax a bit in preparation for running eleven on Saturday! Can't help feeling slightly robbed that there isn't slightly longer to bask in our ten mile glory...

M - 534
Brighton Half - 91
Glasgow Half - 315
Distance covered                  10 miles  (have I mentioned that at all?!)
Total Distance covered      379.3 miles

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