Friday 31 October 2014


it's all in the details

It is a rare occurrence for the four of us to go out for the day together.  Too often we're too busy, or have things we would rather be doing (C&H), but today we all went to the coast to take the dogs for a run along the beach.

A couple of nights ago when planning our trip I was organised enough to look up the tide times and decided that rather than head east we would be better going west - living in the middle of the country we are fortunate that there is very little difference in travelling time, but unfortunate that either way is about an hour and a half drive.  Armed with this information (and the name of Trip Advisor's top recommendation for fish and chips) off we set for Lytham St Anne's.

Schoolfriendof750 we should have consulted you before we went! We might have had the tide times and lunch sorted, but what we didn't have any idea of was where to go once we got there! Following signs to the town centre we turned off too early and missed the beach altogether, ending up instead looking out at mile upon mile of mud flats! Not convinced that we had come to the right place I did ask a local where the beach was, only to be told it was about half a mile away. Half a mile - no problem!

Half a mile - my arse! We walked and walked but the headland we were walking towards just never seemed to get any nearer and in the end we had to turn back without having ever seen the beach or the sand dunes. I've just been on gb mapometer... 2 miles we walked trying to reach the beach and then two miles back to the car. Apparently we'd parked in Lytham and not Lytham St Anne's and I can't help but think that perhaps after going to all the bother of researching our day on the internet it might have paid off to look at a map!

It was our intention to go, walk the dogs, eat Fish and Chips and come home again, all of which we did and had a lovely time doing it, but it wasn't quite the day out I was envisaging!

We might not have seen the sea, but the sea air has certainly done it's trick, blown away a few cobwebs and tired me out in a way only sea air can. But exhausted after four miles? Heaven help us in Brighton girls after thirteen!

M - 556
Brighton Half - 114
Glasgow Half - 338
Total Distance covered      320.6 miles

PS Happy Birthday sisterofMG750 hope it was a good one x

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