Thursday 16 October 2014

Technological Breakdown?

Oh no, this is the road to hell....

Week three of training and already I'm looking forward to being the other side of Brighton so I can have a week off! Four miles this morning, and every step of it was hard going.

It didn't start off well, my Garmin which uses GPS technology to track my pace got stuck on the 'locating satellites' screen yet didn't seem able to find any! I stood outside the house for at least five minutes in the hope that it would start working, attracting comments from one passing dog walker about me waiting for a bus (there is no route on our road), before finally deciding that I would have to run without it.  When it did finally start working after a couple of miles it only confirmed what I already knew (that I was running slowly today) before it gave up the ghost completely about five minutes later and went into power save mode.

Meanwhile my ipod wasn't behaving much better, for some reason unbeknown to me it decided to go on repeat, ashamedly it took me a while to realise that I'd heard the song before and had to stop to reset it.  It did however stick with me for the duration of my run before instructing me to 'connect to power' almost as soon as I'd got home.  It seems that the technological pieces of my running kit are as exhausted as I am! And we've got so far yet to go...

I hated (almost) every minute of this morning's run, perhaps because it felt like more of a plod. But an impromptu dog walk with HMG this afternoon raised my spirits somewhat, not least because she too hadn't enjoyed her run this morning, and we've come to the conclusion that perhaps it's a Thursday thing! But has left me wondering if perhaps I could combine parkrun and my 7 miler so I could have Sunday off! I'll see if I can map a possible route and then consider it nearer the time. But I am tempted...

So which step of my run did I not hate? The one where I was wolf whistled at! Sisters I'm sorry! I know I should be complaining about the objectification of women and about how it's unacceptable and degrading, but standing at the traffic lights with about a mile to go, feeling like I'd been wading through treacle for the past half hour and wondering if it was worth putting myself through this it made me smile! Thank you 'Know How' Van Man! Although perhaps if you'd actually seen me shuffling along you might have just driven past!

M - 571
Brighton Half - 129
Glasgow Half - 353
Distance covered              4 miles
Total Distance covered  288.9 miles

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