Thursday 30 October 2014

Ye cannae change the laws of physics

I think it's rather aptly called destructive interference!

A rare lie in until half past eight this morning, and our morning run was not quite as early as I would have liked it to be! Nevertheless Al and I did force ourselves to go out despite the slightly dreary weather and ran the required four miles.  The first three of which I hated, the last one I was awash with running joy!

Trundling along several paces behind Al for most of the way, I really was beginning to think that it was yet another typical Thursday run which never seem to be my favourite when, admittedly running downhill and on our way home, I started to feel a lot better about the run, my fundraising worries, and just life in general.  Running euphoria (when it comes) is the most wonderful feeling, suddenly the world was my oyster and I was filled with optimism.

Coming back downstairs after my shower to be greeted with the reality that was my day, that rather than sewing I had a long list of domestic chores that really couldn't wait any longer and I was hit by a wave of pessimism equal in magnitude to the one of optimism, but for the physicists amongst you in opposite phase, so the two cancelled each other out and sitting in the middle of the point of collision I was left with nothing, my mood as flat as the resultant wave pattern! So much for having a better day.

In the end I came to the conclusion that really there was nothing left for me to do but put all ideas of fabric, sewing and the possibility of branching out from peg bags aside and just get on with the jobs. I do however rather like the idea of thinking of it as destructive interference in the otherwise nice day that I had planned (although in fairness it has been fairly constructive, we now have clean bathroom, a clean kitchen floor, and some clean clothes for the weekend).

Fingers crossed we are off to the coast tomorrow with the dogs, perhaps blowing a few cobwebs away as we battle against the wind whilst walking along the sands will see me return refreshed and inspired (oh and ready to run eight miles on Saturday morning!).

M - 557
Brighton Half - 115
Glasgow Half - 339
Distance covered                    4 miles (in record time - thanks for pushing me Al!)
Total Distance covered      320.6 miles

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