Friday 3 October 2014

The Long and Winding Road...

(sisterofMG750 you live too far away!)

Taking H with us to Scotland (to see his cousin, not as chief or any other kind of supporter!) we weren't able to leave until after school, and despite requests to get home as quickly as possible he didn't actually arrive until later than normal! I'm not sure it would have made all that much of a difference as the traffic getting around Manchester was horrid and I don't think setting off half an hour earlier would have helped in any way other than perhaps psychologically!

The journey north was long and, in the dark and driving rain, a bit perilous at times. However we finally got there about half ten and I think we were all somewhat relieved that the journey was over (albeit for different reasons) - for me it meant no more driving, for H that he could escape from his five hour confinement with his mother and her friend, and for HMG that finally there would be an end to me trying to point out landmarks and describe the scenery in the pitch black!

There is always the warmest of welcomes awaiting me at my sisters house, and tonight was by no means an exception! With the race early on Sunday morning, it was decided that this evening was really the only time to celebrate, accordingly the Prosecco was poured, the crisps were opened and our 10K preparations began! When, at around 1 o'clock some sandwiches appeared it was clear that we were taking our carb loading seriously, besides which it would have been rude to do anything other than tuck in!

A far later night than I think any of us intended, yet still not long enough to spend in each others company after what has been too long, we retired to our beds, thoughts of going to Greenock parkrun in the morning having long since gone out the window, although discussed at one point to at least make it feel like we were considering it!

M - 584
HM - 142
Glasgow  - 2
Total Distance covered  260.1 miles

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