Wednesday 15 October 2014

Waiting for tomorrow

but there's probably loads more I should have done today!

Today was one of those days that will probably just be better when it's over. It has rained all day, the sky is grey and all I really wanted to do was light the fire and curl up in front of it, not trudge four miles round the woods and have to come home to deal with two very wet and muddy dogs. Especially as every bit of mess they make is something else that I'll have to tidy, clear up, or clean before Saturday.

I am back in that period of limbo where it's too soon to do so many of the things that need doing, but the longer I leave it the less time I have to do it all! It's a fine line that I'm walking and I don't yet know if I've got it right. But I think it's fair to say I'll be running round like a headless chicken on Saturday regardless!

Naturally I haven't exactly helped myself by deciding to bake some date and orange malted oat squares, which required a special trip to the health food shop this morning to buy the malt extract (I'm not sure she'd ever had someone waiting on the doorstep for her to open up before!), but for some reason they were the only thing that would do, although baked and tested I can report that they are as good as I remember.

My Afternoon Tea Party is decidedly easier to organise this time round having been through it once before but, that said, I'm hoping that I can think of some alternative fundraising ideas so I don't have to do it again. There is, of course, always the face painting at the Juggling Convention to look forward, how could I forget? Actually I know exactly how - it reminds me of Westival and I'm trying my very best to eradicate all memories of that from my mind! The box of left over craft bits to take with me to the Juggling Convention has sat in the back room for over a month now and I can't even bring myself to open, let alone sort, it!

Perhaps one day when this is all over, I'll look back and reflect on how the fundraising was far harder than the running - but that may be wishful thinking.

M - 572
Brighton Half - 130
Glasgow Half - 354
Total Distance covered  284.9 miles

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