Wednesday 29 October 2014

What next?

Who knows!

For the past few days I have been having the odd thought about my fundraising, as in occasional not as in dreaming up anything weird and wonderful! Having reached a bit of a lull after an exceptionally busy few months, I'm not sure quite where my next fundraising ventures are going to take me (shhh I'm still in denial about the afternoon of face painting ahead). Clearly this is starting to play on my subconscious because I woke up this morning after dreaming about hosting an event which no one came to!

I think a lot of this stems from news that the café we go to after parkrun is not going to be closing this winter as by then, it will have been taken over and understandably it would be a strange way to start a new business by shutting up shop till Februrary. Whilst this is good news for our post run catch up, it has, if not entirely pulled the rug out from out of my feet, then certainly made me lose my balance albeit momentarily.  For months I have been toying with the idea of having the post parkrun café at ours over the winter, trying to work out if it's feasible, how many we could fit in, what would we offer by way of food and drink etc., and now I'm questioning whether it will work at all as I'm not sure people would choose to drive to mine for a cuppa when they could have one there and then in the park.

My intention when I started out trying to raise the money was to try and offer things that people would be spending money on anyway and to try and spread my net a bit wider than my immediate circle of friends. But it is proving far from easy.

My Etsy shop has all but dried up and has categorically failed to generate a sale from someone who doesn't know me. I have had a couple of items 'favourited' which is nice but it's kind of meaningless if it doesn't then lead to a sale.  My items on there will all come to an end in the new year and I'm trying to work out if it is worth putting any more on, I will be really sad if I've to close it down, but I have to face the reality that already out of pocket I can't keep funding it nor have card sat unused on the off chance that I make a sale.

So I need to have a think about where I go from here, but in the meantime I do have an order for a couple peg bags to be getting on with (thanks HMG), perhaps a day at the sewing machine will bring some inspiration! And perhaps a lighter mood for what's left of the half term holidays - you can but hope Al!

M - 558
Brighton Half - 116
Glasgow Half - 340
Total Distance covered      316.6 miles

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