Sunday 12 October 2014

One way or another

If I can't get my head round changing my priorities at parkrun then perhaps my legs will do it for me!

Today's run on our training schedule was a six miler at a slow pace, I did it, but my legs weren't happy, nor were my chaffed bits of skin (clearly I need to replace a particular item of kit!).  I don't think I did myself any favours pushing myself yesterday and then heading out for a long run today and I'm going to have to have a rethink about how I move on from here.

Our training schedule is for three runs a week, and does not take parkrun into account.  I am therefore left with two options either I find a way to incorporate it into the schedule or I have to stop running on a Saturday. Given that not running at parkrun is not my most favoured option (!) I am going to have to look at ways to work my training around parkrun.

As I see it, I either run my long run on a Saturday either ending up or starting off at parkrun and so the three miles becomes part of the total distance, or I have to run parkrun slower so that there is less for me to recover from. I haven't made my mind up as to which yet, but if I incorporate it into a longer run I'll be running it slower anyway so perhaps I'll try and run it slower as an additional three miles and see how I get on. Which I think is where my head got to yesterday before my legs caught up!

Set off for my run this morning without really knowing where I was going and ended up trying to make up a route en route - not something I would particularly recommend! I knew roughly where I was going, but hadn't looked at a map, or made a note of any of the road names, I just had a vague idea that a cycle path I turned down would somehow link up with the Greenway at some point.  I think the painted bicycle and arrow pointing to the right might have been a bit of a clue, but with the memory of last Sunday still fresh in my mind, it went against my inbuilt bearings and I couldn't bring myself to turn in the opposite direction to the way I knew was home, so attempted instead to find my own route to the Greenway by turning left! I eventually made it, but it was a bit hit and miss and I felt rather conspicuous running along streets that clearly don't normally see Sunday morning jogging traffic!

Oh well next week is another Seven Mile Sunday - at least I know where I'm going for that!

M - 575
Brighton Half - 133
Glasgow Half - 357!!
Distance covered           6.3 miles
Total Distance covered  279.7 miles

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