Friday 17 October 2014


.... but starting to get stressed over why!

Finished my baking by lunchtime and have had a relatively relaxed afternoon, even finding time to make a birthday card (thanks for the order fellow parkrunner). The day really has gone too much to plan, and those bits which didn't have ended up working in my favour - it's an odd yet at the same time unsettling feeling and I'm starting to wonder if I've mislaid a job list somewhere!

I'm not sure what is to blame for my new found sense of calm, when the frittata stuck to the pan this morning, instead of panicking I just thought "oh well that's our tea made", and decided that we don't really need it for tomorrow anyway.  I'd like to say that it's my new relaxed approach to life, but I think in all honesty I'm just a bit jaded with the whole fundraising thing, it'll be what it'll be whether I get stressed over it or not!

I have mapped out a four mile route to parkrun for the morning and am actually looking forward to it especially as I've just heard that HMG is joining me, but also because it will mean that come half past nine my running will be over for the weekend, then I've the small matter of afternoon tea to get through and then that's it! A day off on Sunday! I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to this, but know that the reality will never live up to my expectation, as Sunday's are invariably a never ending stream of cooking,washing up and chauffeuring but no running or dog walking!

There was a momentary blip in my relaxed state a few minutes ago when the TV program we were watching finished and we ended up catching the end of some Great British Bake Off Master Class.  Oh dear, nothing that I have baked for tomorrow comes even close! I can picture the horror on Mary Berry's face were she somehow to be presented with a plate of my baking....  I don't watch the show, but if my guests do and are picturing anything like what I saw this evening they are going to be disappointed! Perhaps I shouldn't have drawn such a delicate tea cup on the invitation, but I think they all know me well enough to know that things may be a little more on the rustic side!

M - 570
Brighton Half - 128
Glasgow Half - 352
Total Distance covered  288.9 miles

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