Sunday 19 October 2014


Somehow we've made it this far!

I'm not sure how we've done it but we've reached the six month milestone! That's one hundred and eighty two blogs, two hundred and forty five cards, one thousand one hundred and fifty pounds, four thousand eight hundred and fifty eight page views and oh so nearly three hundred miles! (If I'd worked it out sooner I may well have been tempted to don my running shoes for a four miler today instead of my much cherished day off!).

It was lovely coming downstairs this morning to a tidy house (or rather tidy downstairs), made me wonder once again why we don't keep it looking like this more often! But as the day wore on, more and more of the stuff that we had hidden out of the way of our guests yesterday reappeared in the house and by this evening it was looking much more familiar!

I'm not entirely sure that tackling the ironing mountain constitutes a day off, or was really a fitting way to celebrate six months as marathongirl750 but I did get to luxuriate in the bath afterwards which is a slight improvement on ironing but a bit of a poor show - sisterofMG750 you presence is requested at the earliest opportunity to get the party started! Although if I'm as sleepy as I am today I may still opt for a cup of tea curled up on the sofa!

Overall it's been a good six months, I am now running longer distances (relatively) pain free which I think was the intention when I started! I think there was also some plan to loose weight but I seem to have become less focused on that (especially with all the left over baking in the house from yesterday!), I am drinking more water on a regular basis although it never did quite have the ten year younger effect that was promised (albeit from a dubious source) at the outset, I've learned lessons, forgotten them and relearned them all over again, lost my hearing and gained good friends.

In the past week my blog has been read in Argentina, Indonesia, South Korea, Poland and Venezuela such is the wonder (and mystery) of the internet! Clearly some people read once and never again, others for a few days, some when they get the chance, and then there are a few for whom reading has become as much a part of their daily routine as writing has become mine! Thank you.

M - 568
Brighton Half - 126
Glasgow Half - 350
Total Distance covered  296.1 miles

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