Monday 6 October 2014

Heating's on!

Which isn't doing anything to help keep me awake!

Woke up this morning and winter had arrived! Gusty wind blowing the rain horizontally, thankfully it wasn't a run day, and really there was only one thing to do - phone the chimney sweep so we can relight the woodburners after their summer off!

A cancellation meant I was in luck and he was able to come this afternoon. Perfect! Unfortunately by the time he arrived I had spent rather a long time sat squished up next to Dougal on the sofa catching up with my weekend blogs and consequently could barely move when I had to get up to answer the door.

Pleasantries exchanged I felt the need to explain how I had aged so much in the year since he last saw me. I told him about running yesterday in Glasgow, and then pounced on his comment about possibly running a half marathon next year and was in full parkrun sales pitch mode before it dawned on me that I was perhaps the least likely advert for physical exercise in my current state of old lady-ness! I have then spent the rest of the afternoon trying to establish a mental image of what he looks like, he's only been to do the chimney's three times and I'm just not convinced I'll recognise him out of context at parkrun!

Why when we've just had the chimneys swept have I finally relented and put the heating on is a good (if not overly interesting) question, the answer to which has something to do with me needing to get on this afternoon and knowing I wouldn't have been able to tear myself away if we'd lit the fire. It may also have something to do with the desire for a warm bathroom after a weekend at my sisters!

The difficulty about having Glasgow as the end of our first week of half marathon training is that we've got to crack on now with week two and the scheduled four miler tomorrow... forget carb loading, based on how sleepy I've been today I think I need an early night!

M - 581
HM - 139
Total Distance covered  266.3 miles

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