Thursday 9 October 2014


But the iron's feeling a little luke warm!

I was awake at half four this morning and foolishly looked at my ipod, only to discover that both my sister and HMG are up for running the Glasgow Half Marathon next year. This is good news, but I think at least one of you was supposed to talk me out of it!

I then lay awake trying to work the logistics out.... is it feasible to get there by train, how could we stay an extra day if H comes with us and needs to be in school on the Monday, was the drive really that bad that it's worth the hassle of being without a car in Glasgow, could we stay in the centre - but then I'd miss not being at my sisters and where will we go for lunch this time? So many different permutations for a trip that's fifty one and a half weeks away! Thankfully I managed to put it to one side long enough to get back to sleep, but it was back again on waking! I haven't come up with any answers, but I HAVE REGISTERED and am hoping that my running number will reflect my eagerness in signing up four days after the last one!

As the day has wore on I am less convinced of the merits of signing up, especially as I decided to postpone today's run to Saturday! But there is still enough method in my madness to convince me that I'm doing the right thing.  If I am going to run a half marathon in Brighton and then not run the full marathon until the following year, I need to keep myself half marathon fit, and I need to make sure that I finish one race able to run another.  In terms of this week's training, today's run should have been three miles at a fast(ish) pace so it is easily transferable to parkrun.

All makes perfect sense on one level, yet at the same time a bit fool hardy on another! Oh well if all else fails at least we'll have lunch to look forward to... 3rd October schoolfriendofMG750 get it in your diary now!

M - 578
HM - 136
Total Distance covered  270.3 miles

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