Saturday 25 October 2014

Furthest yet...

But don't feel like shouting about it!

I've run eight miles today, my furthest ever... I should be over the moon and at the very least post run euphoric but for some reason I just feel a bit flat. The way we ran it was a bit fragmented and I'm wondering if that's what's to blame.

Our training plan had us running an easy mile to begin with, six fairly fast ones, and then a slow one to finish. Incorporating parkrun this meant we ran a slow mile to start, three quicker ones to get us to parkrun, had a ten minute break before setting off on our second three quick ones (parkrun), and then another short break before the final mile to cool down.  So yes I've covered the distance but I can't say I feel particularly ecstatic about it, when I had hoped to be jumping for joy. I'm still having issues with my Garmin and can't get the data onto my computer to analyse, not that it would make a lot of difference, but I have been able to manually compare this weeks stats to last and can confirm what we already knew HMG - we were running faster this morning!

Further and faster and still I'm not happy - perhaps it's nothing to do with the run and far more to do with my mood! Bit of an odd one today, can't seem to settle at anything and have pottered about for the rest of the day leaving half finished jobs wherever I've been! Quite why I then chose to start tackling the dresser in the back room is open to debate - all I've managed to do is empty the top shelf, open a box of old photographs, newspaper cuttings and letters lose myself in them for an hour or so before putting them back unsorted in the box, but not back in the cupboard!

And following on from yesterday's interesting topic of appearance enhancing attire... it wasn't the best day either for trying to find my new winter coat to replace the one I 'sold' for a few pence earlier this year as part of the great old clothes weigh in! Five contenders arrived this morning from my latest online shopping spree, but I'm not sure any of them are keepers! There was a lovely one which looked great, and very streamlined until I pictured it with pockets full of dog treats, poo bags, house keys and a phone! Trouble is most of the others made me feel like I looked like the Michelin Man! Before you feel the need to phone me from where you currently are in the States sisterofMG750 - don't panic they weren't puffa jackets! Nothing wrong with them on the right person but any kind of padding and I feel like the side of house... the search continues! Good job it's been a mild autumn!

M - 562
Brighton Half - 120
Glasgow Half - 344
Distance covered                 8.1 miles
Total Distance covered      311.6 miles

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