Tuesday 7 October 2014


but unfortunately no sparkle!

If it hadn't been for our training schedule I wouldn't have run today, mainly because it was raining this morning. I'm a bit of a fair weather runner who doesn't mind if it starts to rain mid run, but really struggles to start off in the rain.  Being splashed by passing cars was a particular low point and the rain stopping after I'd got home really just added insult to injury!

What was nice however was to know that I wasn't alone! HMG completed her four mile run under very similar circumstances this morning, whilst sisterofMG750 was enjoying her run so much that she miscalculated her route and ran an extra mile!  I'm glad that we're in it together and it has really helped having a plan in place in terms of motivation, and knowing what I've got to do this week.

Ha! Ha! Ha! I've just read back what I've written - a plan helping me, just like a to-do list and structure for my day might?!!

I've had a dreadful day, mainly because I kept loosing chunks of time without any knowledge of what I'd done with them! I know from my Garmin that I ran at half ten for forty minutes, and that I came home and had a shower, but why it took me an hour to get back downstairs is a mystery! I wouldn't mind so much if I'd been for a wee lie down, but I hadn't (I don't think!).  That said I might have had a better afternoon if I had done, I am so tired I think I must have subconsciously taken ten minutes to stare off into the middle distance at regular intervals throughout the day, and without anyone to snap me out of my 'trance' they may have slipped into being half hours!

But at least if I was staring off into the middle distance my eyes were at least open, which would be a vast improvement on how heavy my eyelids are now! Four runs into our training plan and already I'm exhausted!

M - 580
HM - 138
Distance covered                4 miles
Total Distance covered  270.3 miles

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