Saturday 11 October 2014

Come back Al

it's not the same here without you!

Beautiful autumnal morning for parkrun - sunny with a discernible nip in the air - and I had a great run, or at least I thought I did.

I was flying! So much so that I had only the occasional glance at my Garmin to check my pace, and when I did it didn't give any indication that I wasn't on course for smashing through my PB. However, I must have read it wrong because I came in twenty seconds slower than last time I'd run at parkrun and no where near my PB!

In the absence of any other more reasonable explanation I'm blaming the weather... without a shred of technical knowledge I have decided that the cold air made me work harder aerobically which made me feel like I was trying harder than normal, which made me think I must be running faster!

Not for the first time I am being drawn to the same conclusion that chasing my PB on a Saturday morning is something that I am going to have to let go.  Not for the first time I am unconvinced of my ability to do this.  I was making murmurings about trying instead to run the course at a constant pace and see if I could set myself a new challenge of getting as close to a pre-determined time as possible but I already know how hollow that 'victory' will feel.  Giving up before I've even tried, I really am my own worst enemy.

Al is away at a juggling convention this weekend, felt odd being at parkrun without him and stranger still spending the rest of Saturday as a single parent family! Had so many plans for what I might do today, how organised I was going to be, how productive, motivated and efficient - quite why I thought I was going to get more done, when all the dog walking, cooking and clearing up jobs were mine and mine alone is unclear. I miss you on so many levels Al, not just for all the things you do on a weekend, but walking the dogs post parkrun was hard!

M - 576
Brighton Half - 134
Glasgow Half - 358!!
Distance covered             3.1 miles
Total Distance covered  273.4 miles

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