Tuesday 21 October 2014

Three Hundred Mile

and somewhat Turbulent Tuesday!

There are two things I think I should have done differently yesterday. Firstly I should have looked at the weather forecast and chosen today as my stay at home day, and secondly I should have thought a bit harder about how Al might respond to reading yesterday's blog! (Apparently avoiding the supermarket, curling up with a cup of tea and the dog does not constitute a hard day, and if I want a difficult morning I should meet his year seven's, or ten's, or form class!). Still perhaps it was a good thing to be found out, as it kept me from curling back up there this morning, although wasn't quite enough to send me out running in the rain! 

I couldn't face getting wet, having to come home dry off and then go out and get wet again when I walked the dogs. So I decided that I would run this afternoon after walking the dogs when it wouldn't matter so much if I was wet as I was only going to go straight back out in it. As it turned out the sun was shining by then so it was just the gale force winds to contend with, little did I know they would have me feeling quite so nostalgic by the end of it!

Running into the wind was like trying to run in water, running with it behind me made me think of the barrels in our village park when I was growing up! I loved them... for those of you who missed out on this childhood treat, they were barrels that rotated on a horizontal bar, which you ran and ran on (holding on to two side bars for balance) until your feet couldn't keep up with the speed of the barrel and you had to lift them off... there was nowhere to lift my feet off to today but the feeling of moving faster than my feet could run whisked me straight back to Eaglesham park and the hours we've spent there Al, sis, and schoolfriendofMG750! 

Clearly all that extra effort in getting up the hill has taken it's toll however and I am, not for the first time, falling asleep writing this! But it was worth it, as I have now reached the 300 mile mark! Too tired to work out how long it should take to get to four hundred, but I have a suspicion it's going to come around a lot quicker than the last hundred did! 

M - 566
Brighton Half - 124
Glasgow Half - 348
Distance covered              4.1 miles
Total Distance covered  300.2 miles

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