Saturday 4 October 2014


And lots of it!

There are so many times that I wish I could pop round to my sisters house for a cup of tea and biscuit but the five hour drive between us kind of renders it impossible. Forget parkrun there was only one thing for it this morning... We also have a tradition of full sugar Alpen eating, the croissants were, however, a new and very welcome addition to the proceedings. All of which had to be wound up in enough time for us to get up into Glasgow for lunch with schoolfriendofMG750.

We haven't seen each other for over eight years or seventeen in the case of my sister! (HMG it was a pleasure to introduce you). Under no disillusions as to the seriousness - or lack thereof - of our pre race preparations we settled down as four ladies who lunch (in considerable style at the House For An Art Lover) and whiled away three hours as if none of the intervening years had taken place, especially as none of us look a day older than when we last met!  It was so lovely to see you again G, and I really hope it won't be so long until next time...

Back home for a cup of tea and rather delicious Granola Square (shhh don't tell anyone about the additional chocolate biscuits I tucked into) before going out for tea en famille (carb loading - it's important!) followed by an earlier night than last night!

I had a lovely day, but didn't feel quite right somehow not being at Dewsbury parkrun. We were clock watching around ten to nine, picturing everyone on or near the cafe steps before making their way up to the monument in time for the start.  A read through of the results later (well done on your PB Mrs Motivator!) gave us a better picture of the morning and made me feel slightly less out of touch, but no less far away. Missing Al, C, the dogs and my parkrun family, but loving being home in the land (not) of my forefathers!

Race day tomorrow... getting a little jittery!

M - 583
HM - 141
Glasgow  - 1
Total Distance covered  260.1 miles

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