Wednesday 22 October 2014

Cherry Picking

but I'll pay for it later!

I've had a good day today - not entirely sure why but just going to enjoy the feeling whilst it lasts! Although thinking about it I don't think there was any part of it not to like!

I spent the morning making cards, the afternoon walking the dogs with a friend and any time in between ticking off as many little things as I could from my to-do list.  I appreciate that cherry picking off the jobs I want to do now is only going to leave me with a list of things I REALLY don't want to do later, but firstly I'm sure I'll be able to add some more fun things to the list when I reach that point, and secondly it's half term next week so perhaps I'll be able to give some of the things I don't want to do a gentle steer in Al's direction!
Then again if he's at home and able to walk the dogs I'll have more time to get on and do the jobs myself, or alternatively we could bin the whole idea of a job list until the week after and have some time off.

Already I can hear him saying "All right, I'm in! Lets go with the third option!"  But I think he knows me well enough to know that it's much more likely to be a mixture of one and two. Although that said what I am looking forward to is having some time to spend in each other's company! Perhaps we could have a bad day, hide from the supermarket and curl up with the dogs together, now there's a plan I'm already looking forward to!

Still have quite a lot to do this evening which is a shame as yet again, I'm already falling asleep! I seem to be getting worse and am happily dozing off by half past seven on an evening, beginning to wonder if in a previous life I was some sort of creature that hibernated for winter... maybe the tortoise training plan is more apt that we thought!

M - 565
Brighton Half - 123
Glasgow Half - 347
Total Distance covered  300.2 miles

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