Monday 20 October 2014

Miserable Monday!

So much for starting as I mean to go on...

Having reached the six month milestone yesterday today had a bit of a "the start of the rest of your life" feel about it, shame then that it was such a write off of a day! Although 'rest of your life' may be being a bit dramatic, perhaps 'next half year' is more accurate but the outcome's the same! Yesterday when I had the opportunity to lie in, I was wide awake - today I couldn't seem to get myself going and the day never really seemed to get any better. 

Having spent the past week or so religiously planning food and menu's, shopping for ingredients and baking I appear to have reached saturation point as far as food is concerned and decided not to go to the supermarket this morning, opting instead to come straight home after dropping the boys off and curl up with a cup of tea. Dougal and I would have happily stayed like that all day, Sid was having none of it, jumping up any time I dared to move and staring intently at me in between.

I did try to pull myself round at lunchtime by starting to construct a to-do list, you know that fail safe plan guaranteed to spur me into action! Went for a new tactic of writing down all the things I want to do and those that I don't but need doing anyway, and then picked a few off that I could reasonably get done today. I can report that I've done just over half of them and bumped the others on to tomorrow, mainly because they involved going out and as we've already ascertained that really wasn't what I wanted to do.

Unfortunately chauffeuring duties meant that I did have to venture out this evening and although I came very close to driving straight home, I forced myself into the hell on earth that is IKEA in search of some more coat hangers for new peg bag orders! Clearly having spent too much time there in the past... ten minutes and eighty pence later I was on my way home again, to see if there was anything I could concoct out of Mother Hubbard's cupboard for tea...

Things were worse than I thought and poor Al who wasn't due in until half seven anyway was given the somewhat loaded option of baked potatoes with not a lot else or calling into the supermarket on his way home (would that make it 'the somewhat loaded option of unloaded potato skins?!') Thankfully he 'chose' the supermarket, but I think we're both hoping I'm back in a better head space tomorrow!

M - 567
Brighton Half - 125
Glasgow Half - 349
Total Distance covered  296.1 miles

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