Tuesday 1 July 2014

Well it was an experience...

but once may have been enough!

What I hadn't realised until this morning was that my words of wisdom to which I should have paid closer attention referred not only to my need to be organised, but also to my appearance! For whilst I am relatively happy nipping into the supermarket, walking the dogs and going for the occasional run without a much thought to how I look, I am not ready to up my game and get Manchester model and casting agency ready at a moment's notice!

The problem is compounded by the nice weather, and a lack of summer clothes in my wardrobe. Rarely having the opportunity to wear them, and having reached a certain stage in my life where I look better in fabric with a bit more retaining strength to it (if you know what I mean!) there is a severe lack of options for me to choose from.

I am pondering this latest dilemma on my dog walk, when I get a phone call asking if I can help a friend out with picking up a prescription, of course I can (and do) but at the cost of my preparation time! Thankfully I'm used to getting ready in five minutes (I can hear sisterofmarathongirl750 from here saying "Please tell me you at least put some make up on and did something with your hair?!") and had a bit of a brainwave in terms of outfit remembering my black linen dress affectionately known as "the sack" - I can drive through in my summer clothes, pop the sack on over the top of them and arrive looking like I'm one of those women who can wear linen without it looking like I've slept in it - excellent!

Now all I have to worry about is finding the place. It was a close call but we made it, and immediately wished we hadn't! I don't even warrant a cursory glance from the ineffectual receptionist who hands me a form, tells me to fill it in, and when I ask if there is a pen I can borrow just says "No!". Thankfully one of the other mum's is more organised than me and lends me one, but the whole reception area is a chaotic throng of parents and children and noise. Eventually H is taken through some ominous looking black doors (along with about thirty other children) and I am left to people watch and eves drop to my hearts content - until that is someone appears back through the doors to tell us all to be quiet! They can't hear the children on the other side for all the noise the new arrivals are making on the outside. Wishy washy on reception does nothing to facilitate this request for silence and so it is left to (taking it all a bit too seriously) mum on my left to "Shhhhhhhhhh" crossly every so often! The man next to me is watching Wimbledon on his phone and I can't help but feel an umpire of sorts is called for "Quiet Please!".

H eventually reappears having smiled, pulled a funny face, a mischievous face, and said a line about the wonders of Teflon coated trousers to camera, and we can escape.... I wish him every success and clearly he was by far the best looking boy there, but I'm not sure I can cope with four days in the company of these people if he gets it.

It has however been lovely spending some time with H (that's not to say I'm not missing you C!) He doesn't often get the option of sitting in the passenger seat on a long journey and it's nice having him next to me. On the way home I start thinking about my marathon and point out when we're about twenty six miles from home - we are both horrified by how far it is. I then tell him about the West Highland Way Man. I still cannot get my head around ninety five miles in fourteen hours and whilst I am lost in a moment of wonder and awe, H breaks the silence "Why would you do that? Why would you even think that was something you wanted to do?!"

Oh to be young and not full of envy for the level of fitness whether you want to run that far or not!

M - 679
Total distance covered  136.8 miles (should have been a run day today - oops!)

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