Sunday 27 July 2014


Not quite the cathartic experience I was hoping for

Following a sterling performance at the Underwater Hockey Nationals last weekend C has been selected to join the Great Britain Under 19 Squad, and will be playing for GB this summer (#veryproudmumforthesecondtimethisweek). As a result he spent yesterday at a training camp and has come home full of anecdotes and motivational sayings designed to give them the winning attitude which last night he decided to apply to me!

Whether it was this, the fact that I have been inspired by sisterofmarathongirl750 having a clear out, my own desire to get on and do something, or a mixture of all three, I don't know but by nine o'clock this morning I am sending messages to my sis of what I'm going to achieve today. Nothing earth shattering but by the end of the day shoes that I've been meaning to sell for over a year will be on Ebay! Unfortunately this means cleaning them first, then photographing them, before beginning the laborious task of listing them. I had forgotten how much I hate Ebay, but at least that might excuse my tardiness!

Trying to sell the boys old shoes, my now redundant trainers, an old camera of my dad's and a hoodie of H's for a few pounds it is hard to feel anything other than sad that this is where my life has ended up. It wasn't quite the vision I ever held for myself, nor the cathartic clearing out experience I was hoping for.

I came very close to giving it up as a bad job and just putting them in the charity bag that is still on the top landing next to the ones to go and be sold for a few more pence, but the truth is that it will all add up in the end, and that if I do sell them WaterAid will benefit, and I've just remembered that the Government will match that donation if I make it before 9 September, so whatever I get will be doubled which makes me feel slightly better.

I have also sold a few more cards on Etsy today (although they are to my mother in law and the boys have banned me from my I've sold on Etsy dance until I make a 'proper' sale to someone I don't know - not sure exactly which part of yesterday's motivational talk this comes under!). It may not be quite the rush that I was hoping for but at least it is trickling in, besides which the recipient of my first Etsy order has received his cards and left nice feedback on my Facebook page which cheered me up.

So following another team talk from my new motivational coach about believing in myself I have made a decision. I will get there, I will manage to raise both £275 for WaterAid, and £2,000 for Barnardo's, I will make proper sales on Etsy and be allowed to do my dance, and if no one wants to buy my worn once Abercrombie and Fitch £5 bargain hoodie, I will wear it to the starting line of my marathon in 2016 and leave it for the charity pick up - almost tempted to unlist it just as an act of defiance!

But if nothing else it has given me something else to keep my eye on! One pair of trainers already guaranteed to sell! Whoo hoo £2 closer!

M - 653
HM - 209
Total Distance covered  159.7 miles

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